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Headscratchers / Star Trek Voyager S 6 E 5 Alice

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  • It is revealed that Alice once interfaced with Abaddon and forced him to find it a new owner. When it is sold to Voyager, it is completely deactivated — completely vulnerable.
    • When Voyager's crew start questioning Abaddon, a hallucination of Alice appears and threatens him. Tom has already taken the ship and flown off with it, meaning the brain alterations it made to Abaddon enable Alice to maintain control even without the ship being physically present.
  • Alice is hellbent on getting to a particle fountain. Basically, imagine if Christine exerts its will over Arnie just so they could drive off a cliff together.
    • The particle fountain would have been fatal to Tom, and presumably destroy the ship itself, but the one clue we get is Alice describing it as "Home". The implication seems to be that the sentient part of the ship is a lifeform (perhaps an Energy Being that is bound to the ship) that can exist inside the fountain.
