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Headscratchers / Oldboy (2013)

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  • What if Joe, Marie or Adrian had died during the 20 years of Joe's captivity? What if Marie had moved to another location before Joe's release? What if Joe never turned on the TV?
    • Adrian didn't seem to be determined to die before his revenge was completed
  • He could have been hit by a bus.
    • Adrian obviously can have manipulated Marie's life as well
    • For Joe to be able to have Josh Brolin's body just by exercising in the bedroom, they must have taken good care of him
    • Joe watched that television for 20 years
  • Nobody forced him to. There was no way to be sure in advance that he would ever turn it on.
    • Adrian may well have improvised most of what he was doing and just hoping it all worked out. If Joe had been a policeman or publicized what happened to him through the media, everything could have turned out much better .
  • How did Adrian manage to have a camera in Joe's motel room, when the motel seemed randomly chosen, and they could have been given any room?
  • Who were all of the people who attacked Joe in the warehouse? Chaney pays an unlimited number of tough guys to sit around all day just in case?
