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Funny / The Sons of Katie Elder

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  • Bud constantly fighting his brothers attempts to keep him out of trouble.
    John: All we want to do is make you end up rich and respectable. You fight us every step of the way.
    Bud: I don't want to be rich and respectable!
  • The brothers want to do something for Katie's sake, so they talk about getting her a fancy headstone. Only they can't decide what kind to get.
    Bud: The Ritters got their mother a marble angel pointing.
    Tom: Pointing? At who?
    Bud: Nobody! Pointing up!
    • When Tom and Matt argue over the idea of a marble angel, Bud notes:
    Bud: Some kid shot her [the marble angel's] finger off, and now it looks like she's just shaking her fist.
    • Tom suggests they get a horse for Katie's grave.
    John and Matt: A horse?
    Tom: She liked horses!
    Matt: Not that much! How'd you like to have a horse standing on top of you for the rest of eternity?
  • "Still don't have a newspaper?" "No, but we've a gossip every twenty feet."
