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Funny / Stargate: Continuum

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  • Despite being reduced to a minor cameo role, O'Neill is still as funny as ever.
    Jack: That is why we've come all this way. Why we had to endure all that "singing". Get rid of the last bad guy, then there's... cake.
  • Three hours into the extraction ceremony...
    Jack: Never, in the history of boredom, has anyone been as bored as I am, right now.
  • The revelation that the singing is the Tok'Ra listing off Ba'al's crimes throughout his lifetime.
    Daniel: It's almost over. The crimes they're listing are starting to sound familiar.
    O'Neill: Crimes? That's what they've been crooning about for the last three hours?
  • Then discussing Vala's disappearance.
    Jack: Oh for cryin' out loud. She prob'ly just went to the bathroom. I'm next in line, by the way.
  • In the middle of the frustration of explaining their timeline to the alternate timeline's military, Carter and Mitchell take a moment to be indignant that the alternate timeline plans to put the Navy in charge of their Stargate program. Which is quite ironic seeing as there is there is no real justification for the Stargate to be run by the Air Force at all in the original series instead of an Army special forces unit, and later, it would have made far more sense to hand the program over to the Navy as they start building massive intergalactic warships.
  • Alternate Teal'c and Ba'al are very funny.
    Teal'c: My Lord! Shall I enact your final instructions?
    Ba'al: No, you idiot, save me!
  • Daniel speaks desperately in Russian over the radio.
    Mitchell: What the hell did you just say?
    Daniel: We're Americans, please shoot the people chasing us!
  • The sheer mundanity of Ba'al's plan is kind of funny. When his Alkesh first show up as scouts, General Hammond reports to the president that they're trying to hail them on every frequency, and not getting any response. Then, when Ba'al himself shows up, Ba'al just pulls out a device he's kept in stasis for just such an occasion:
    President Hayes: What do you mean he's on the phone?
    • Ba'al then notes that he was wondering if he'd ever get through the "gauntlet of minions" on the line, leaving audiences to imagine the presumably awkward conversation he must have had with whoever was manning the White House switchboard.
    • Then, after Quetesh's sudden but inevitable betrayal causes Ba'al to cut the call short, there's a cut back to Hayes, who can only respond with a confused, "... He hung up on me." One gets the sense he's thinking, "This alien invasion is really not going how I expected."
  • Ba'al's entire expression at the end as he walks through the gate, all smug and assured. Realizes his Jaffas are dead, gets shot in the head by Mitchell, and then spends the last moments of his life with a ludicrously confused expression wondering what's happening and how is a member of SG-1 waiting for him.
  • After the extraction ceremony, SG-1 is standing around, unsure what to do. O'Neill invites everyone to lunch and no one is sure how to react. When O'Neill mentions that he'd pay for the lunch, Mitchell immediately agrees.
