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Funny / It's For a Good Cause, I Swear!

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  • "Kakashi killed the Third!?" It eventually causes Kakashi to ask Sarutobi (who was revived by Orochimaru's Edo Tensei in place of the first hokage) to write that he, in sound mind and makeshift body, does not blame Kakashi for his death, all on his Icha Icha book. Sarutobi is clearly confounded.
    Hiruzen Sarutobi: Maybe it's just because I've been dead for the past twelve years, but I just don't understand you people anymore...
    • His team later refuse to accept this, stating several holes in the idea that this was what the third hokage truly felt, and that he was doing this out of pity for Kakashi.
  • Naruto transforming into a girl version of Orochimaru in order to pin the massacre on him and let Itachi stay in Konoha.
  • Kakashi's obsession with the day Obito died. Naruto explicitly points this out to Sasuke once Sasuke has arrived back in time.
  • Kakashi's line at the start of the bell test.
    [bored voice] "You know the drill. I have two bells, you have to get them before noon or you suck."
    • Sakura then reveals her master-stroke: she stole the bells ahead of time while they were eating.
  • Pretty much all of Chapters 5 and 6, where the four time travelers basically just dick around while following the timeline.
    Kakashi Hatake: [at the Demon Brothers' initial attack] Alas! I am slain!
    (cue the trio absolutely wiping the floor with the ambushers)
    • Team 7 manage to get themselves banned from all D-rank missions, meaning that they don't have to take them anymore. This (for them) is considered a source of pride, seeing as failing D-ranks is a hard thing to do.
      • The trio are specifically barred from more "retrieve Tora" mission because the poor cat has never been the same after they got him back in record time; Sasuke used friggin' Tsukiyomi on the poor cat, involving multiple copies of the daimyo's wife smothering him endlessly.
  • Zabuza, Heir of Gato. It Makes Sense in Context.
  • Naruto's obsession with Evil Soulless Puppets, occasionally supported by Chouji.
  • Orochimaru's interrogation with Minato, Ibiki, and Kakashi. Particularly when Minato muses about the possible fallout of a missing nin killing genin during the chuunin exam.
    Minato Namikaze: You killed three genin and could very well have started an international incident. Not to mention the paperwork. It really is a good thing they signed those waivers or I'd still be busy with that.
    Orochimaru: I killed them before they signed the waivers.
    Minato Namikaze: [to Ibiki] That never leaves this room.
  • How Orochimaru escapes...
    Minato Namikaze: [reading aloud] Dear shinobi-san, Tobi is needing Ero-Hebi-Sempai so Tobi went and got him. Sorry if you need him too, but that does not mean that Tobi is not a good boy! — Tobi
    Jiraiya: ...The hell?
  • Naruto and Tsunade get into a brief yelling match:
    Tsunade Senju: Don't call me "Baa-chan"!note 
    Naruto Namikaze: Then don't be old!
  • Sasuke finally getting a chance to confront his inner demons head on for once is undermined by his target reacting in a supremely childish fashion.
    Sasuke: Orochimaru. You killed my family. Prepare to die.
    Orochimaru: I did not!
  • Gaara apparently believing that the Oto (Sound) ninja are the enemy and Konoha (Leaf) ninja are the ally—which soon becomes true when Gai (hilariously) shouts out that Orochimaru murdered the fourth kazekage and took his place. After that, Sasuke mentions that Orochimaru killed his family. While the village is in the middle of an invasion.
  • The MSR (Minimum Sanity Requirement) to get promoted. Neji doesn't become a chuunin because he doesn't meet the part about letting personal issues get in the way of fights. Minato is understandably disturbed once he learns that Neji's issues were worse in the previous timeline, when those same issues are what caused him to fail the MSR.
  • The real reason why Tsunade never wanted to be hokage is because of the paperwork.
  • In the scene immediately before the first phase of the chuunin exam begins, Kabuto looks up Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura's info cards at request, revealing that they failed every single D-rank mission and successfully completed an A-rank. He sounds absolutely terrified by this revelation.
  • Squirrel attacks. First brought up by Kakashi as a possibility at the start of the Wave mission. He treats it seriously, but the kids assume he's full of crap, as usual. Later, they find out from Obito that that was a real event, and that he was genuinely traumatized by it!
  • Gaara commissions a list of people he shouldn't kill from Naruto, resulting in this gem when his opponent for the chuunin exam finals preliminary is called:
    Temari: Gaara? Are you okay?
    Gaara: Oh, yes. He's not on the list.
    Temari: looks at Naruto
    Naruto: Baby steps.
