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Fridge / The Legend of Cynder Series

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Fridge Horror

  • When Kaboa is telling Cynder about how she was originally supposed to be under the control of Malefor, and that Spyro was supposed to be in her current metaphorical shoes, she mentions how Myst wouldn't have come about by being saved for her Ice King form. Terror of the Skies Cynder would have handled her far more roughly, making it harder to survive the ordeal, and Spyro, in his haste to save Volteer, would have rushed the battle to get him back quicker, unlike Cynder who took her time. It's stated he would have outright killed her because she would haven't the strength to survive the curse being broken and how hastily he would have handled the fight, all without realizing there was another dragon in the Ice King's soul. This makes the original fight with the Ice King in the game much harsher, since going upon this, it means each time you fight and beat it, Spyro is unknowingly killing Myst in the process...
