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Fridge / Stars, Eyes of Heaven

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Star Platinum:
    • Star Platinum develops a form of sentience after Eyes of Heaven, but it acts like more like an Uplifted Animal instead of a human like Gold Experience Requiem did. Odd, but fitting for the Jotaro of the Stars, Eyes of Heaven series. Autistic people often find animals easier to understand and relate to, and Jotaro himself is additionally a marine biologist very knowledgeable about animal behavior. Star Platinum's non-human sentience reflects Jotaro's interests and thought process.

  • Silver Chariot:
    • After surviving the events of Vento Aureo in the new timeline, Silver Chariot now has golden highlights. Why did Silver Chariot change now, of all times, when one of its notable features had been its inability to change? Well, Polnareff must have been healed by Gold Experience.
    • A young Polnareff points out Silver Chariot's teeth as resembling a Dunkleosteus- also known as a type of armored fish.

  • When Hol Horse breaks into Marina's apartment to visit Jotaro, Jotaro threatens to break his gun. An odd statement to a normal person like Irene, but to Hol Horse, having a gun Stand, it was an Implied Death Threat.

  • How does Caesar know about triage? Well, despite how he looks he's actually a WWII veteran; it's not that surprising he would have experience with prioritizing who to save, especially when you consider the healing applications of Hamon.

Fridge Horror

Marina: I could have sworn you had some kind of knife phobia.
Jotaro: Not the knife. Just the people.

  • Tenmei has sleep paralysis as a result of his injuries. The only injuries that can cause sleep paralysis are brain injuries. Guess getting slammed into a water tower has its consequences.
