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Fridge / Eleutherophobia

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Fridge Brilliance

  • In Lost World, Tom mentions that Ian Malcom died in the Jurassic Park book. Fitting, coming from a character who also died in the books.
  • In The Day the Earth Stood Still, Tom says that his golden eagle instincts made him tempted to eat Jake's peregrine falcon morph for a moment. While golden eagles are known to eat other birds of prey, this could also be a reference to how they regularly kill their younger siblings.

Fridge Horror

  • In The Day the Earth Stood Still, one of the Controllers in the cell next to Tom's is a little girl aged five and a half. Tom is horrified and confused when he finds out how old she is; why would the Yeerks bother to infest a child, what possible use could it be? Come Ghost in the Shell, we find out exactly why: children who are infested for long enough at a young age suffer from a Death of Personality and become empty shells that don't fight back.
    • That five year old girl is morph capable. She's going to facing many of the same hazards and risks as the Animorphs did, if she ever morphs the wrong animal. If she ever loses track of time, she's going to be stuck. She's five.
