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Fanon Pokedex / Remoraid

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Remoraid Line

Morphs [Oak Catalog #]

  • Remoraid [#223]
  • Octillery [#224]

Physical Description

Remoraid are small, silver-colored fish with a distinctive dual-caudal fin, the lower used for steering and the upper for propulsion. A small mouth and a suction-cup like device where its dorsal fin should be are other distinctive features.

Octillery is a scarlet-colored mollusk with eight tentacles dotted with yellow suction cups.

Notable Biology

One of the most astonishing things about Remoraid is that, despite its size, it has one of the most powerful and efficient Hydro-projection organs in the world. It is capable of firing extreme high-pressure jets of water accurately at over 300 feet, even when under water. Remoraid have been observed firing jets of water and shooting airborne prey and predators out of the sky in amazing feats of marksmanship. Octillery also share this marksmanship ability.

In place of a proper dorsal fin, Remoraid have a suction-cup like device on the top of their heads. They use this to attach to the fins of Mantine and act in a symbiotic relationship with the creatures. The Remoraid eat various parasites that may latch themselves on the Mantine, in exchange for protection against predators.

One of the most noticeable things about Octillery is the tube-like mouth on its face. It's actually not a mouth at all. Octillery's true mouth is located on its underside and is a hard, powerful, beak-like structure made to crush shells. The tube-organ is actually a firing mechanism for a dark, inky substance Octillery fires to blind any predators. Octillery can also release a barrage of inky pellets that, upon impact, will explode and discharge a "cloud" of murky ink, which can be an effective smoke bomb used to disorient prey.

Octillery have also been shown to be extremely intelligent, having brains much larger than most marine Pokemon. They are capable of disarming man-made traps, solving complex puzzles, and opening jars and and pots with ease.

Remoraid have a distinct light-flavored meat with a fine, flaky texture when cooked, and are eaten all over the world. Octillery (especially the tentacles) are considered a delicacy in several countries and is experiencing a surge of popularity elsewhere.


Remoraid are commonly found in warm, open oceans and reefs, though some larger fresh-water varieties exist. Octillery live on the sea-floor, using its flexible, boneless body to squeeze between rocks and crevices for shelter.


Ocean-dwelling Remoraid mostly feed on plankton and larval forms of crustaceans and mollusks. Remoraid that live in lakes will shoot down prey with a precise and accurate long-ranged water shot. The only prey that lake-dwelling Remoraid hunt and eat are small insects.

Octillery primarily feed on shellfish, cracking their shells with its hard beak-mouth. Krabby, Shellder, and Clampearl are common targets.


Both Remoraids and Octillery are very docile creatures in the wild, but they have the uncanny ability to fire a diverse and powerful array of beam weapons, from ice, to fire, to thunder, to psychic, to its famous Octazooka, and the infamous Hyper Beam, and despite their weakness to plants, even fire off volleys of seeds. Octillery is one of the most versatile and deadly fighters in the world, making them popular Pokemon for various naval forces.


Octillery have no set mating season and usually become sexually mature and breed after one year of age. After being fertilized, the female finds a safe place under a rock and lays anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand eggs. It then spends upwards of a month protecting its progeny, refusing to eat or rest during that time. After all her eggs have hatched, the Octillery dies of exhaustion. Due to this, females only mate once and rarely live more than 2 years, while males can breed up to 3 times and live up to 3-5 years.

Social Structure

Due to the fact that Remoraid are the target of many many sea-borne predators, they usually travel in huge schools of over 500 individuals. Others seek protection in Mantine and attach themselves to the ray Pokemon. The larger fresh-water varieties tend to travel in much small groups of usually 4 to 8.

Octillery, on the other hand, are mostly solitary. One big sign that a Remoraid is about to evolve is when it splits off from its school or detaches from its Mantine. Though, it sometimes fails to do the latter, with interesting results.


Original entry written by Neo_Crimson of The Pokedex Extended Fanon Edition. Remoraid, Octillery, Mantine, Pokemon, and all related terms, characters, and productions are the property of Gamefreak and Nintendo.
