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Characters / MKR Russia

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Superpowers: Federation of Communes of France | Empire of Japan | British Union
Major Powers: Russian Republic | Dominion of Canada
Minor Powers: Arab State of Egypt | United State of America | Polish National Republic | United States of Mexico | Italian Social Republic
Other Nations (Europe): German | Portugal
Other Nations (The Americas): Colombia
Other Nations (Asia): Turkey
Other Nations (Africa): Morocco
Misc: Miscellaneous

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Russian Republic
Official Name: Russian Republic
Ruling Party: Narodniy Patrioticheskiy Souznote 
Ideology: Dominant-party Democracynote 

    General Tropes 
  • The Alliance: The Moscow Treaty organization was restored under Ilyukhin's rule, although the effectiveness of its members as allies leaves much to be desired.
  • Allohistorical Allusion: The Ukrainian War is an allusion to the Chechen War in our timeline
  • Civil War: If the Semibankirschina takes power into their own hands, and Ohranka tries to overthrow them, the country will plunge into a devastating civil war..
  • DefeatŠsBackstory: The defeat of the Russian State in the Cold War is what shaped the modern Russian Republic.
  • Patriotic Fervor: Russians are experiencing a strong patriotic upsurge in connection with their country's return to the world stage.
  • We ARE Struggling Together: The parties that make up the Patriotic Front have lost their unity, and only the authority of President Ilyukhin keeps them together.


    Victor Ilyukhin 

Role: Presidentnote 
Party: Narodniy Patrioticheskiy Souznote 
Ideology: Dominant-party Democracynote 
The permanent president of Russia, a Socialist, a patriot - Viktor Ilyukhin is a multifaceted person. Having headed the trial of President Stepashin, he was elected head of the People's Patriotic Front and has since led Russia to rebirth. However, his days are coming to an end and he is afraid to think about what will happen to Russia when he dies.

    Aman Tuleyev 
Role:Glava Pravitelstvanote  (Ilyukhin cabinet), Presidentnote  (Ilyukhin's succession)
Party: Narodniy Patrioticheskiy Souznote 
Ideology: Dominant-party Democracynote , Social-Nationalismnote 
Ilyukhin's loyal protege and his potential successor


    Vladimir Putin 
Role:Glava Ohrany
Ideology: Controlled Democracynote 
The head of state security and one of the few officials of the Stepashin era who retained his position.
  • Defector from Decadence: He switched to the side of the Patriotic Front when he realized that the Stepashin oligarchy was not suitable for governing the country.
  • Red Scare: And the brown panic, too. He is an ardent anti-extremist and he spends a lot of resources fighting radical supporters of the Bolsheviks or Savinkov.

Former Leaders

See their entries on the Miscellaneous subpage.
