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Characters / Cyber Shadow

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The Main Heroes

The main heroes of the game of Cyber Shadow. Some of these characters true idendities are never known, although they are hinted at hence why spoilers will be covering these pieces of information, backstories of these characters foreshadow many important plot points of the overall story of Cyber Shadow.

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    General Tropes 
  • Action Girl: The Master, for all intents and purposes was regarded as the most powerful Ninja of her clan, as well as the one who was most attuned to essence and the Ethos. Well, up until Shadow came along that is.
  • Doomed by Canon: The game takes place a good while after the first flashback, well after Mekacity has been left in ruins by the explosion. Shadow and The Master were doomed from the start regardless of the events that were played out. Shadow's body was incredibly unstable, and as mentioned by several characters, he was living on borrowed time, sooner of later his body would have given out as well as his rapidly dropping Essence. The Master was going to die regardless of what her fathers intervention, and all her father did was just delay the inevitable to the point, that he even went as far as to freeze her in time, to ensure she wouldn't die.
  • Swiss-Army Weapon: Shadow's use of essence allows him to attack in a variety of different ways, such as creating shurikens, rising flames, afterimages, enhanced physical prowess and that's just some of the basics.

Main Heroes

The Lone Ninja

The titular character and main protagonist of the game. A skilled Ninja gifted in the ways of essence to were he could even sense the memories of others, share their experiences and learn their skills. He was raised and trained by an ancient clan of ninja's while on a quest to contain his powers. Now he finds himself in a ruined world, operating a synthetic body, and living on borrowed time due to his low essence, traversing the harsh environment in hopes that he can free his clan and Master, from the misfortune that has fallen upon them.
