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Awesome / X-Factor (2020)

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  • X-Factor calls in a bunch of mutants in order to rescue Shatterstar and everyone else from Mojoworld. However, they needed Shatterstar specifically because he is the only one who can kill the Morrigan:
    Northstar: Hello, Shatterstar.
    Shatterstar: Hello, Northstar.
    Northstar: Welcome to Krakoa. Do you know why you're here?
    Shatterstar: To kill.
  • So Shatterstar confronts the Morrigan, seeing what actually happened between her and Siryn, and then seeing a vision of the first Morrigan:
    The Morrigan: I was the first Morrigan. Humanity was in its infancy—so recently did the last human paw itself out of the muck and mire and stagger upright. I was among the first sentries summoned by humanity to stand guard upon the edge between worlds seen and unseen. I decommissioned kings.
    [Shatterstar stabs her from behind]
    The Morrigan: Once upon a time, I...I was everything.
    Shatterstar: There are no kings in Krakoa.
