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Awesome / Worm – Waterworks

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  • Danny Hebert's retaliation against Winslow for letting the bullying against his daughter go too far: not only does he decide to homeschool Taylor, he manages to persuade every member of the Dockers Union with a kid in Winslow to withdraw them from the school. This is over seventy kids, meaning that Winslow will lose a substantial amount of money and have to face an investigation from the Board of Education. All of this perfectly legal. Many reviewers expressed admiration for Danny over that.
  • In one Coil timeline, Lisa slashed her own wrists rather than live as a drugged slave to Coil.
  • Riptide quickly making short work of the mercenaries that have kidnapped Dinah and rescuing her.
  • In an alternate Coil timeline, when one of his mercs shoots Dinah, Riptide reduces him to bloody chunks in short order.
  • When Riptide takes Dinah, as Augury, to meet her uncle at City Hall, they're stopped by two guards who are racist against capes. Riptide defeats them easily.
