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Awesome / The Sunlit Man

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  • Nomad takes down one enemy airship, jumps to another while both are still flying, takes it down too, and then jumps to his allied ship. All while literally incapable of violence.
  • Nomad regaining his capacity for violence and really letting loose, including summoning Aux as a Shardspear that he uses to kill a Charred, and performing the Chasm Kata, ending with a Bridge Four salute.
  • The Cinder King has caught up to Beacon and left all but Elegy and Rebeke to be killed in the sunlight. Rebeke claims that she is the real leader of Beacon. She then suggests he should recover the people so he can make an example of her by killing her in front of them. The Cinder King refuses, but is completely fooled by her lie about being the leader. Elegy, who witnesses the entire exchange, realises the strength Rebeke shows in being willing to sacrifice herself for her people.
  • Nomad flying ahead of the sun flying in shardplate with the (Skybreaker glyph behind him).
