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Awesome / The Last Days of Krypton

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  • Zor-El is a walking moment of awesome.
    • He's introduced personally gathering data to help prove that his brother is right about Krypton being in danger and fighting off a pack of dangerous carnivores that attack him.
    • The moment where Zod's crimes and abuses of power push Zor-El too far is the moment where the resistance against Zod begins to transform from a disorganized bunch of petty nobles into a formidable militia. Zor-El eventually leads his army of volunteers (not one of whom has ever been in a real battle before) to march on Zod's capital city, against his formidable army. They win the battle while losing less than twenty people.
    • Zor-El invents a force field to protect Argo City and defiantly uses it to keep Zod's approaching army out of the city (none of their weapons can penetrate it). That same force field ends up saving the entire city during Krypton's destruction.
  • When Zod sends kidnappers after Alura and Charys, the two women soundly thrash their attackers and shoot one of them in the leg.
  • Lara is tasked with writing a propaganda piece for Zod and instead chronicles his recent crimes. Then she makes a defiant "The Reason You Suck" Speech when faced with his wrath.
  • In the climax, Jor-El reprograms the missiles Zod launches at Argo City to target an enormous comet that's due to hit Krypton soon (and which Zod has been ignoring), completely destroying both the comet and the weapons. Then, when Zod, Aethyr, and Nam-Ek confront him about this, Jor-El lures them into a trap and seals them inside of a forcefield until the arriving rebels can arrest them.
  • As much as Zod fears being sent to the Phantom Zone, he defiantly flings himself into the prison dimension rather than let his captors throw him in.
  • Unlike most versions, when Jor-El announces that Krypton's unavoidable doom is in three days, a lot of people take him seriously and try to do something about it. An army of volunteers led by No-Ton, Or-Om, and Gal-Eth spend those three days trying to build ships for a Homeworld Evacuation, dismantling entire bridges and buildings for the material. They only fail by a matter of hours.
