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Awesome / Romeo and Juliet, but without any rehearsals

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A farce this may be, but sometimes this farce can be nothing short of awesome.


  • During the opening scene, Prince Escolus shows up and interrupts the fighting between Mercutio and Benvolio vs. Tybalt, Gregory and Sampson… only for Romeo to show up in bombastic fashion by killing one of Tybalt’s goons with one precise strike. Even Tybalt acknowledges this as awesome.
  • Mercutio’s final stand against Tybalt is nothing short of badass. He manages to put up a decent fight with flashy moves and even throws in a butt taunt for good measure.
    • During that same scene, after Mercutio is fatally wounded (albeit by a completely moronic decision to challenge an armed Tybalt to a dance battle, during the middle of an actual fight) by Tybalt, he manages to recite almost the entire famous “To Be Or Nor To Be” monologue before dying.
    • After that, Romeo recites a sonnet that he wrote for Raid: Shadow Legends. Soon after, he immediately gets his vengeance on Tybalt by mortally wounding him and swiftly killing him once he tries to monologue the infamous “To be fair…” copypasta.
    • Speaking of Tybalt, his line before the battle:
    • After the battle, Prince Escolus tries to revive Mercutio by giving in-game currency from Raid. He knew deep down that it wasn’t going to work, but he gave it the good ol’ college try.
  • Mercutio returning from the dead for the ending musical number as a ghost. Need I say more?
  • After spending the entire play being mocked and belittled by other characters, Peter finally stands up to himself by telling everyone that he's tired of taking everyone's shit. Also, as a pay-off to a gag set up earlier in the play, he finally learned how to read.
    • Even better, when Lord Capulet protests that he didn’t see him at the party (since he didn't invite him), Peter couldn't protest to that, but Prince freaking Escolus of all people rightfully calls Lord Capulet out on this. When the literal ruler of Verona stands up for you, you know you’ve done something right.
    Lord Capulet: I didn't see you at the party.
    Peter: (Beat) You- (goes completely silent)
    Escolus: You're gaslighting him!
