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Awesome / One Piece: Ace's Story

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Despite his limited screentime in the main manga, Ace really shines in his novel.

  • Isuka's first appearance. While she does not have the heart of a killer and cannot hurt Ace, she is terrifying to every single crewmate of his due to her swordsmanship.
  • The battle between Ace and Vice Admiral Dorrow. All of it.
    • Dorrow is a serious Wake-Up Call Boss, as his flamethrower is strong enough to compete with the Flame-Flame Fruit, forcing Ace to have help if he wants to win and save the children. Once the flamethrower is destroyed, Dorrow uses Armament Haki, withstands a Fire Fist and still nearly chokes Ace to death.
    • Masked Deuce shows tremendous guts as he helps Ace and destroys Dorrow's flamethrower, allowing Ace to mobilize. He gets knocked out, but still has made a difference against a Vice Admiral.
    • Isuka standing up to her former idol. Disgusted by how violent he truly is, she abandons him and saves the endangered children.
    • Ace himself. First of all, his Fruit allows him to block a flamethrower. Then, while he is nearly choked to death, he gets mad and saves himself by setting the fuel from the ruined flamethrower on fire. His creativity overpowers the Vice Admiral's Haki, and then the two have a full Pummel Duel. When Ace gets Haki himself for the first time in his life, his fists are stronger than his opponent's, and so he actually manages to beat the Vice Admiral.
  • Ace burning Whitebeard's flag in the Fishman Island.
  • Ace's mere presence is enough to melt snow. Not because of his Fruit, even though it would make perfect sense. With his Haki.
  • Racoon, despite being a Villain of the Week, is determined enough to shoot Blackbeard.
  • While it's known from canon that Whitebeard only was remotely serious in the hundredth and final fight with Ace, it's revealed that Ace actually started dealing some damage and earning Whitebeard's respect from the penultimate fight.
