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Awesome / Lucid9

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  • If the player makes the right choices, Yama can score a 100% on a pop quiz without even having studied for it.
  • Near the end of the game, Yama completely deduces the identity of the culprit just by arguing with hallucinations in his head. And he does this while practically on the verge of a nervous breakdown, as well, so Yama turns out to be much smarter than he gives himself credit for.
  • Yama can get a moment of awesome even in the bad endings: in the bad endings, he manages to turn the tables and kill the culprit, who until then had him completely at his mercy, even if it comes at the cost of his sanity and/or the lives of Rui and two other students.
  • How Yama escapes the culprit in the good/true ending is a moment of awesome as well. He manages to stall long enough for Shigure to arrive with a police force without having to kill the culprit's hostages, complete with destroying the culprit's phone beforehand to prevent his mole in the police from contacting him. Then, Yama and Rui use the opportunity to run up to the rooftop, where Rui escapes by jumping off into the school pool. And when the killer catches Yama before he can do the same, he (non-fatally) stabs the culprit with his own knife before both are sent falling into the pool and knocked unconscious.
