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Awesome / Dragon Ball Z: Broly – Second Coming

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  • The fact Gohan in both base and Super Saiyan 2 form is able to hold his ground against Broly a few times, even landing some blows that do visibly damage the lunatic. Considering it previously took almost all of the Z Fighter's heavy hitters rushing Broly at once to not die instantly, still is impressive.
    • Gohan probably knew he didn't have a hope of victory, but he still made an honest effort to fight the strongest Super Saiyan in the universe.
  • The fact that Videl, who only just learned about ki and pales in comparison to even the human Earthlings, managed to not be immediately grounded into paste by Broly and actually contributes to his defeat.
  • The Family Kamehameha. It's a four minute long scene as Gohan and Goten make their final stand against Broly and are barely able to keep his attack from impacting the Earth. Their strength is wittling down fast. It's only thanks to a wish from the Dragon Balls that Goku is able to be present (albeit briefly) to join them in the beam struggle, and to Trunk's last ditch effort that Broly's attempt to push forward is thwarted, giving the Son family the window of opportunity they needed to overpower Broly's attack. Broly is blasted into space, where he impacts a star and is utterly destroyed. Needless to say, this is one scene where even the movie's detractors admit it is pretty damn cool.
    • It also echoes (probably intentionally) the iconic final beam struggle between Gohan and Cell, in both cases with the villain threatening to wipe out the planet (and possibly more) with an immense energy blast, Goku providing a form of spiritual assistance from the other side and an assist from an important non-Son family Saiyan providing just enough of a distraction for the son(s) of Goku to blast the villain into outer space and put him away for good.
