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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2015-04-20 14:02:54

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TOSC Chapter 1: What's Past Is Pro-Lodge

Written By: Thomas
POV: Third person
Chapter Number: "Pro-Lodge"

Just a note before we start; Threat of Satanic Commonism does not have an especially consistent numbering scheme, so I'm going to simply refer to them by 's chapter numbers. There will be a part along with the author, proofreader, POV character and deaths in which I say which chapter number it is.

In a somewhat short and terse exchange, Thomas and Jesus declare that this is his new fanfic, and atheists, gays, liberals and lesbians will burn in hell.

This part takes place in 1918, with John Lennon having succeeded in taking over Russia with the help of the evil gods, thereby instilling communism and bringing about equality, and forcing everyone to worship the evil Roman Gods.

Let that sink in a moment. The author didn't just misspell Lenin as Lennon, but included John's first name, which is a far cry from Vladimir Ilyich. When you consider that he is referred to by his full name EVERY TIME his name shows up in the text, it comes off as the sign of a Troll Fic rather than a merely uninformed author.

John Lennon (who will hereafter be referred to as JL) orders a purge of all Christians and people whose lifestyles are not objectionable to the author, and declares "Now bloody die!" (which makes him sound British, and more like John than Vladimir).

As the massacre begins, the Christians pray for help, and God sends it in the form of Percy, Grover and Annabeth. There's one problem, though; the latter two are not only dead when we last saw them, but were also the Prayer Warriors' enemies. The former isn't surprising, since death isn't taken very seriously in this series, but this sets a new low.

Next Installment: Clarisse valiantly fights against the Communist army.

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