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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2015-02-07 10:10:37

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TEG Chapter 3: Zero Dark Thirty for Fundamentalists

Written By: Thomas
POV: Jerry.

In the author's note at the start of the chapter, lazorboy96, JzeHampen, G.J. Forever and PorschePower911 join the list of flamers damned to hell by the author.

The chapter begins with the Prayer Warriors celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden. While this is understandable, they wish his mother had killed him when he was born, and wants God to destroy all Muslims, along with nonbelievers and sex addicts. Tragically, Islamophobia is something of a mainstream perspective in America, even though the terrorists are to the moderate and non-violent Muslims what the Prayer Warriors are to Christians.

Exodus 32:35 is quoted, evidently because of the false religion, although I believed it died with those who worshipped the calf.

Jerry reminds us that he's waiting until marriage to have sex with his girlfriend Mary, and they study the Bible together, specifically John, so that they can learn how to deal with false teachers.

3 John 10 is quoted, an actually contextually relevant passage.

Jerry goes to the main hall of whatever building they're in, and has a confrontation with Percy Jackson, supposedly not unlike the one between David and Goliath. Percy tells Jerry to convert to the false gods of the Greeks (inexplicably making a point to describe them as such) and the Unknown God from the Book of Acts

Jerry tells Percy that he's making a mistake, that the Unknown God is none other than his God (I'm not sure whether Jerry's actually right for once), and asks him to convert. Percy, however, boasts that he will worship the false Greek Gods while secretly worshipping Satan (saying it out loud defeats the point). Jerry then tries to kill Percy, but he uses smoke to escape, and Jerry inexplicably realizes that there's a traitor in his group. Since half the point of finding a traitor in one's organization is finding out that the group has been betrayed, that already cuts down on some of the potential drama related to this subplot.

Luke 22:48 is quoted, and I wonder why, given the context.

As if to hammer the point home, Jerry tells his followers of the story of Judas betraying Jesus, as if they didn't know it already. Unfortunately for him, he's no closer to finding the traitor, and goes to bed, afraid for his life.

Speaking of traitors, BIC declares that those who mock him are "traitors," and Jesus concurs, saying that traitors will go to the lowest level of hell, where it is the hottest (In Dante's Inferno, the opposite is true), so hot that "It will be heat that will kill them."

Next Installment: The Prayer Warriors get some prospective recruits, and must decide whether they will become their accomplices or their victims.

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