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Live Blogs Sinclair Drake Vs.The (Demon) World: Let's Play Strange Journey!
HamburgerTime2013-06-24 20:36:41

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Chapter 21: What If God Was One Of Us?

Masakado: It is as I feared. The being responsible for these anomalies in time is the mightiest demon in these lands - nay, the mightiest in existence! And Sinclair Drake has just broken the seal on it! It will destroy both the human and demon worlds unless it is itself destroyed. Therefore, we must challenge the unchallengeable: the Lord of the Heavens Himself! And if Sir Thoth's divining was true, this Sinclair Drake may well be the only being, in this universe at least, capable of doing so!

Ready to fight a Bonus Boss? Well, who ever is, right? We begin by going back to the sanctum portal and changing it to Sanctum B. Unfortunately, only one door is open here so to reach our destination, we need to go around. Yes, through the maze again. I found it pretty easy to memorize, at least, though still annoying to traverse. Once we're back in the one-way door area we have access to a room that's only in Sanctum B, and, more importantly, the hidden door in that room. This leads back to the main part of the maze. As an interesting note, this particular sanctum is the only place wild Abaddons can be found.

Abaddon:    HOORAY!   

Now we change the portal back to regular space, go through the maze again, and end up back in the one-way door section. With the hidden door unlocked, it's a straight shot to our destination: the elevator to the very bottom of Grus.

Mastema: Urm, Drake?

Drake: What do you want?

Mastema: I thought you might like to know... that power back there was nothing less than that of my Lord Master, the Creator of All. Not in your wildest dreams could a piece of human filth like yourself stand a chance against Him. A pity, really. You had so much potential. I was only trying to do His work and save that mudball of yours, but you just had to side with the ungrateful little apes that populate it. And you and Lady Zelenin were a wonderful match. I could think of no more capable hands than those of you two to entrust this planet to, but alas, with the way you've chosen... it may take millions of years, but your kind and my kind shall surely meet again.

Drake: Nice speech. It's just earned you a ticket to the front lines against your erstwhile master.

Mastema: WHAAAAAT!?

Drake: Besides, you're my best healer.

Beyond the door ahead stands the towering form of the Demiurge, the Bonus Boss of the game. The being posing as Metatron approaches it, but is batted aside; it seems to be little more than a rampaging beast.

Mastema: ... this is the Lord? I had not seen Him in ages, but... how did he get to this state? I have done all I have done in service to this... thing?

Mindlessly asking to be worshipped of no one in particular, he attacks.

Demiurge is a tough battle, befitting the Bonus Boss, but in truth he's less "difficult" and more "tedious." Like Jimenez he can change his weakness, but for added fun whatever he's not weak to at the moment he reflects. Yeah, mucho mucho pain. What the game wants us to do is use the Gibo Eyes sub-app, which allows us to see enemy weaknesses and resistances, to strike at his weakness For Massive Damage, but honestly? Screw that. It's much less of a gamble to use Almighty.

What we need here is 80+ demons with Megidolaon or better. I brought Mastema, Shiva, and Masakado, himself given Megidolaon via Mitama.

Ara Mitama: Finally we show up!

You absolutely need these spells on all your demons, otherwise there's no guarantee Demiurge won't just outspeed you (and he is very fast) and spam healing moves.

First couple of turns should be spent on setup. Buff up to three with Luster Candy (gave this to Masakado as well) and cast Salvation immediately. The first move he uses is always Big Bang, the second-best move in the game, and if we're not prepared to heal on the first turn it's lights-out on the second. At full buffs, though, this shouldn't hurt much. Once the buffing's done we can get to whaling on him. I outfitted Drake with the Meteor Dragoon pistol, the most powerful Neutral weapon in the game, which can fire multiple-strike Almighty shots. As for Shiva, he comes with his signature skill, JIHAD.

Shiva: I daresay, that word isn't even from my culture...

This is the best attack in the game, doing only slightly less damage than Big Bang and acting as a cast of Debilitate. Honestly, by using this, Demiurge usually won't attack, and will waste most of his turns canceling the debuffs. Don't think you're in the clear yet, though, as the battle is basically him vs. your MP gauge; if you run out of MP before he does HP (which is entirely possible even with all the aforementioned bases covered), you can pretty much just press reset.

Mastema: This is... how could He have...? ... No. Someday I shall restore you, Lord, but I am nothing if I let You suffer. So as the servants of old did to their masters in times of disgrace... Megidolaon.

That's not a dramatization, by the way; Mastema got the last hit. Poetic. A female voice implores Drake to seal the Demiurge away before not-Metatron can merge with it, and he does so. The reward is the Chakra Elixir, and infinite-use MP-restoration item!

Norn: Drake, I am sure you will be pleased to know that time has, by all appearances, gotten back on track.

Drake: I am. How did that thing cause the loop, anyway? It didn't even seem... sentient, really.

Thoth: Well, I've got a few guesses. I'm thinkin' it used its last bit of power that wasn't sealed off by that doohickey back there to bring ya here, 'cause you've been deemed an equal to it. It commanded you to worship it... I'm just hypothesizin' here, but I reckon it, on some level, anyway, either wanted you ta bow to it, wanted ta kill you, or... wanted you ta kill it. And was prepared ta bring you back again and again until you two met.

Drake: Its wasn't even... satisfying. Something that trapped me in time, making me relive my friends' deaths? And the being responsible for the Order/Chaos war, too... I guess I thought it would be some kind of sadist, but he was just as broken as the rest of us. Like a little kid throwing a tantrum. We have people like that back in my world, too. Like a lot of things, we don't treat them particularly well, either...

Pixie: *sniff*

Mastema: ...

Drake: ...hey, a new Fusion option.


Drake: ...there have been too many sad endings for now. At least someone should get a happy one. FUSION COMMENCE!

Demiurge: Fwaaaaaaaah! Behold my glorious ima- eh? Who art thou, little one?

Drake: Sinclair Drake, and I can't believe that actually worked! I guess, in the end, ''the DEMONICA can do anything. "

Seraph: You restored His sanity? How?

Drake: Modern technology!

Demiurge: Little one, I know not who thou art, but I feel I am indebted to thou. Though the thought of myself being in debt is surely a ridiculous one, I am prepared to form a contract with thou.

Drake: Sweet. I'm pals with freaking God! I guess this ends that whole Order-Chaos cycle then, huh?

Thoth: Sorry ter tell ya, but... this ain't just confined ta one universe. You'd have ta go around the entire multiverse rightin' wrongs before that'd end...

Drake: Multiverse!? For now, I think I'm content saving just one universe. Which reminds me... with our time loop problem take care of, let's go take care of our Schwartzwelt problem. Ladies, gentlemen, and whatever Pisaca is... the last enemy awaits!

To be concluded...


dragonfire5000 Since: Dec, 1969
Jul 1st 2013 at 3:57:10 PM
Be thankful they didn't pull the same douchebag move that they did in Nocturne with Noah and make Demiurge super-resistant to Almighty.