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Live Blogs How to cheat death at every opportunity! Let's Play Final Fantasy IV (Includes Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-)
SomeColorMage2011-07-19 18:21:40

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Interlude: Prolouge

So, now that the Lunar Ruins are out of the way, let's get started on Interlude. Final Fantasy IV -Interlude- is a game added for the Complete Collection that uses the FFIV engine and is about the length of a chapter in The After Years, and intended to bridge the gap between the two games. In this game, we'll be picking up one year after Zeromus was defeated and Cecil was made King of Baron...

We open up to one of the Dark Crystal Chambers. The Crystal shines, and an image of Rydia fainting in front of it appears.

I've found it... A new form.

Cecil wakes up in a black void. There's a pale light shining.

Cecil: Who's there!?

???: You cannot comprehend my existence, but still I will tell you. I am...

???: Cecil...

Cecil: What?

The dim light fades, replaced by sunlight.

???: Wake up, Cecil! It's time.

It was All Just a Dream. Cecil wakes up in his bedchamber.

Rosa: Are you all right? You were flailing about like you were having a terrible nightmare...

Cecil: Mm... It was nothing.

Rosa: Well, today is the ceremony to celebrate the reconstruction of Damcyan, you know! We should really be going. The Red Wings are ready and waiting.

And now we can see the onset of the Bag of Spilling. Cecil's only level 32, and Rosa 30. That's not even enough to beat Zeromus!

There's also a Save Point inside the castle. Huh? There's no encounters here.

(In reality, this is because Interlude uses maps from The After Years. Cecil must have ordered a couple of save points built in the castle just in case)

We loot some items and leave the castle.

Biggs: Lord Cecil! We can depart at any time. Shall we set our course for Damcyan?

Someone called Biggs... Well, this is a Final Fantasy game, so there's also going to be someone called Wedge and they'll both die horribly. Good to know.

We take off and head north. The title appears on screen, in case you forgot you were playing.

Meanwhile, in the Feymarch, we take control of Rydia. This means we can now loot the Feymarch. Again.

Asura's blocking the way out.

Queen: Are you going somewhere, dear?

Rydia: Yes. Today is the celebration of Damcyan's reconstruction.

Queen: ...Perhaps it would be best for you to return to that world now, Rydia. Perhaps that is where you truly belong...

Rydia: Queen Asura! Please don't say that... The Feymarch is every bit as much my home as the human world!

Queen: Hearing you say that puts my heart at ease. Then go, Rydia, and return to us safely.

Rydia: I will! I'll be back before you know it!

Rydia leaves. Meanwhile, on the slowest airship ever, we're only just now over Kaipo.

Wedge: We will be arriving in Damcyan soon!

Called it. Now we just need them to die horribly...

Rosa: Oh! It's the Enterprise!

Cecil: Cid never fails to amaze. He's already managed to catch up with us.

Only because Biggs can't find the accelerator.

Biggs: Full speed ahead, you slackers!

Wedge: Sir! There's no need to make it a race...!

And so the two airships reach Damcyan at the same time.

Biggs: We shall await you here, sir.

Cecil: I'll be counting on you, Biggs.

Wedge: Please express our well wishes to King Edward and the rest of the Damcyans.

Rosa: We will.

I'll stop it here for now. Also, all the stuff Rydia looted is somehow in Cecil and Rosa's inventory. Whatever. Next time, we get into some actual battles.


BetaRay Since: Dec, 1969
Jul 20th 2011 at 3:47:14 PM
So have you actually played this before or is this your first time through?
SomeColorMage Since: Dec, 1969
Jul 20th 2011 at 4:06:41 PM
Played it before, but definitely not as much as FFIV.
HeroicJay Since: Dec, 1969
Aug 4th 2011 at 6:49:36 PM
Biggs and Wedge have been in games that didn't kill them off: Chrono Trigger, FF 8, 10 and X-2, 12 (as "Gibbs and Deweg"), Kingdom Hearts, and one got a cameo in Tactics Advance. Sure, they died in the first two Final Fantasy games they were in (and, er, in After Years), but that doesn't mean they die in EVERY game.
SomeColorMage Since: Dec, 1969
Aug 4th 2011 at 8:02:37 PM
I am aware of that, but I'm more interested in the older FF games than the newer ones. I don't remember any Biggs and Wedge in CT and KH, though.