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Live Blogs When Worlds Collide: Another Liveblog of a Pooh's Adventure episode
Psyga3152011-10-04 17:42:12

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Part Five: Haha, you said Thrust.

So last time we left off Pooh and his friends, Lester managed to redeem his “crazy, creepy old man” status and became Crazy Awesome. Aliens probe Scooby and Shaggy and then they meet a hippie and her dog.

Part five of thirteen (la blocked.)

After three minutes of being introduced to the hippie and her dog, Crystal and Amber, Shaggy hitches a ride with her, as does Scooby. Meanwhile, Lester and the gang, who I bet had the worst night of their lives, enter the diner, wondering where Scooby and Shaggy had gone off to. They assume they are eating at the diner, which causes me to use this clip.

Rabbit: How can you think of food at a time like this?

Goes with any Big Eater. I’m looking at you, Serena. However, they could not find Shaggy and Scooby at the diner. However, they did notice Shaggy being dropped off at the Diner. Tennessee calls out Shaggy for this and Shaggy says that he is in love. Oh wow, footage from Cartoon All Stars To The Rescue. If the video did suck, I would have made a joke about how it is reminding me of a better show (but given the concept of Cartoon All Stars) I could be watching, but it manages to be better than the previous Pooh’s Adventures.

Then Shaggy starts singing. Seems as if I say something good about the video, it responds by giving me something bad. However, this is not Ttark’s doing, so I will let it slide. Besides, the song does not suck. It ends with Shaggy kissing Scooby. As will this part. Goodbye for now.

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