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Live Blogs My Top 10 Least Favorite Mickey Mouse (2013) Episodes
TommyTiger2017-12-17 21:17:30

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Now, this next entry is my most HATED Donald episode of all time. If I did the Top Worst Donald's a Dickhead episodes, THIS would be number one. As is, it’s number three on this list. Hide your boxing equipment for we enter…

"Tapped Out"

Goofy volunteers Mickey to take on wrestling champion, Pulchritudinous Pete, after hearing Mickey talk about wanting to beat him up. And guess what? He gets tortured. AGAIN. In one part, Goofy apparently stops breathing after he's beaten up by Pete. So right off the bat, this episode plays Disney Deaths for laughs. And as i mentioned, Donald is really unlikeable in this episode. As Pete beats up Mickey, the duck LAUGHS AT SEEING HIS OWN DAMN FRIEND SUFFER AT THE HANDS OF A BRUTE, refuses to help him fight Pete and snaps at Mickey TWICE for unintentionally touching his nachos! AAAAAAARGGGHHH!!! And for some reason, we’re supposed to laugh at Mickey and root for Donald. Sorry but that’s not happening. I don’t root for guys who laugh at people’s lives being threatened or care more about their nachos than somebody else's safety. Rather I’m just pitying Mickey and wishing he would give the duck a "The Reason You Suck" Speech. But for some reason, somebody thought that Mickey is in the wrong and at the end they have Donald get his own back by beating Pete up (don't get me wrong, Pete deserved it, but if Mickey did it it would be better). And after Mickey wins the championship belt, Goofy has him wrestling again. The episode then just…stops after Mickey screams in terror. And what was Mickey’s crime in this episode exactly? Rightfully being pissed off at Pete being a bully. Why must the plot ALWAYS treat Donald as a hero even though he’s in the wrong?! Oh wait, he’s a Jerk Sue, forget I asked. For this reason, Donald is rewarded for his wrong-doings as usual and Mickey is punished for rightfully being pissed off at Pete for being an ass. If they took Donald out of the plot entirely, this episode could have been better. But nooo... Mickey is treated bad just like every FUCKING TIME!!

Tapped Out. This episode deserves to be tapped out of my brain.

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