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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


Leeda: What if a character fits two categories equally well? Do we average them together or what?

Mason: I think for the aesthetics column, Attractive *Cough Women Cough* people die just as often if not more often. At least, that's what I think...
Earnest: Here's something unintentionally funny, read down a column, any column, and try to imagine a character that has all or most of the traits listed. ^_^

Ununnilium: Awesome stuff! Couple changes, though; the Plucky Comic Relief almost never dies, and, similarly, Da Black Donkey isn't the same as the black guy who dies.

Seth: I came here to suggest Plucky Comic Relief as being in the second row of vulnerability in personality. Comic relief characters used to drop off around the middle of slasher films, after the ditz and the black guy. Its a more recent thing to have the comic relief and the final girl as the only survivors.

Think that teen titans ep where Beast boy says that because he is the comic relief he is most likely to be killed in a horror situation.

Susan Davis: I'd suggest that horror films have a very different chart from action films. Love Interests, for example, die horribly in horror movies, but are almost always saved in action films.

Seth: So maybe they should be listed twice by genre. So "Love Interests (Horror)" and "Love Interests (Action)" under different rows.

Earnest: There we go, having a Love Interests row should sort that out. I italicized it to make the genres more apparent, though maybe bold would be better?.

Zeta: Edited the Indian column. I don't even remember seeing a Hindi in a horror flick, but there are a lot of Native Americans - and they usually survive because they're familiar with the monster, being closer to the earth, and have some ritual or prayer or medicine man knowledge that saves their asses. They're definitely only second to whitey in terms of escaping a horror situation alive.

YYZ: I concur. Billy was one of the last to go in Predator, and he died trying to buy time for Ahnuld and Maria to get a head start.

The Defenestrator: Should Caucasian really be in the Die? Me? Ha! column? Being white doesn't seem to actually help you survive unless you're the white male protagonist.

Scrounge: Tweaked it a bit more, since not all robots are Mecha-Mooks. M Echanical Lifeforms are, you know actually alive, so they count higher. The only reason they're below comparable organics is that they're not red inside.

Robin Goodfellow: I submit that the dog has a greater survivability than any other creature known, even aliens. Also, I'd say the Genre Savvy character has about a 50/50 survival ratio. He might know how to stay alive, but then again he might die just for the irony of it.

Earnest: Good points, amending algorithm.

Shouldn't dogs have a greater chance of dying due to Death by Newbery Medal ?

Sotanaht I second that last. Between Death by Newbery Medal, and the namesake of Shoot the Dog, and the namesake again of Shoot the Shaggy Dog, if a dog is important to the story, it's so dead.

Semiapies: I just want to say this page rocks.

Earnest: LTR, did you still want the Adventurer Archaeologist in the last row? I can see how it applies to other heroic studious types (like Hot Librarians)
Cassius335: How do we actually score this? Same as Sorting Matrix Of Deadness?

Earnest: Scoring this? I'm not sure we'd really want to, scoring an entire movies' main cast would be kinda tiresome (and it would have to be the whole cast, since this is a relative scale). Still, if anyone has the time and initiative to do so, it would probably be exactly like SMoD. Let me add the appropriate row/instructions.

Cromage: Changed the Black Guy reference to Black Dude Dies First because it made more sense. Also added Too Good for This Sinful Earth, which is a bit shaky because... well... they die quickly by definition. On the other hand, lumping in them with their long-lived counterparts like the Pollyanna (and shifting the whole damn thing over) doesn't seem right either.

Torri: Asians as average? Really? Because I've noticed they get killed off a hell of a lot, especially Asian males, even when it's not a horror movie they're the most likely to die for some reason!

BTIsaac: Regarding the Asians, I agree. Their lifespan is way shorter than average. And this doesn't only goes for the guys. Any Asian woman appearing in any film will most likely get killed off without even getting a single line, or end up with the male lead. If it's the second, and the film is far from over, They are more likely to be Stuffed In A Fridge than the white girls are. The displayed life expectancy of an Action Girl also seems incorrect. Especially if we consider that dark action girls almost never survive.

Lilfut: I'm a 3, not counting Species, Love interest, or Job (I'm 13)

When screenwriters craft their cliché-laden horror scripts, they might think, “Hey, what about a funny fat guy?” or “Hey, a pissy Goth chick would be perfect here.” But they almost never think, “Hey, I need a totally nondescript character that’s hard for my largely teenaged audience to categorize.” Bingo. Your goal is to be a human chunk of tofu—something that mixes well with everything but remains completely uninteresting (or unappetizing, your pick) on its own.
How To Survive A Horror Movie by Seth Grahame-Smith
because it has absolutely nothing to do with this page.
