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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Komodin: Okay, show of hands; anyone here actually played this game and not just watch the SA Let's Play of it?

Wild Knight: *raises hand* I had an easier time with it than the LPers did, too. I still thought it was pretty terrible, although it had some clever gameplay ideas, and I found Shadow and Silver more enjoyable than Sonic (for Shadow's kung fu from his homing attack and Silver chucking things at enemies with his mind). Basically, I think it was stuck about halfway between So Bad, It's Good and So Bad Its Horrible.

Komodin: I agree, for the most part. I didn't really care for thee whole deal with Elise and Sonic, but the Mach Speed Stages was one of the main reasons why I can't really stand to play as Sonic anytime I'm actually bored enough to play. The only issues I have with Shadow and Silver are the vehicles and speed, respectively.

One thing really irks me, though: The scores for Sonic Unleashed. The fact most of the professional reviewers gave the game an equal, if not lower score than Sonic 2006, near-universally considered to be one of the worst Sonic games presently, just doesn't sit right with me. I've played the game since its release date, and I can say that it's one of the better Sonic games out now. Reading the reviews leaves me befuddled, bemused and ashamed at times, like I should feel like crap for liking the game in spite of its mixed reception.

Wild Knight: It's the Werehog. It really is. Honestly, I think the instant it was revealed, it slanted everyone, including professional reviewers, against the game so that they never even considered giving it a chance, because it was such a stupid idea (and let's face wasn't a good idea). So they went into the game already prejudiced, selectively picked out all the things they had problems with, ignored anything that could be considered good, and wrote their reviews. Unprofessional, if you ask me, but eh...professional reviewers are human too, just as prone to the occasional blind fanboy rage as everyone else on the Internet.

And let's face it, Sonic 2006 left a bad taste in everyone's mouths; a lot of people aren't willing to forgive Sonic Team for it (and even then, I think that's a case of Mis-blamed - after, all, it was Sega who rushed the game out the door before it was finished, wasn't it?). Everyone had the right to be skeptical when they announced the next big Sonic game...which isn't to say they should have let their skepticism overtake their objectivity. I think everyone can agree Sonic Team would have to actively try to get any worse than this game.

Yoyoddd: I actually enjoyed Sonic '06, shocking I know. Besides the loading, as well as the difficulty (though, I only found it hard during certain parts, after I figured out what I was doing wrong the rest was a breeze), I didn't think there was anything wrong with the game. I enjoyed the plot, and the Sonic/Elise relationship didn't bother me in the least. Shadow was easily the most fun character to play as though. The game is friggin' fast, though. Not that it's a bad thing, I find it strange people criticize the game for being too slow. This page of Sonic '06 isn't bad, but I think that it's overly negative. Is there no one who enjoyed the game (or at least willing to admit it)?

Nicholas Onimura: *raises hand* I've played and beaten this game. And for some reason, even I know the game is a piece of crap, I can't stop playing it. I have no idea why. Perhaps I've somehow built up an immunity to the game's shit factor. Or maybe it's the Assburgers. Who knows. Oh, and I honestly think the game had potential (despite the crap story), it was just overall poorly exectued (and the Executive Meddling didn't help).

Wild Knight: I definitely agree with that. The game really did have the potential to be at least as good as the Sonic Adventures, and I honestly think if Sega hadn't insisted on making it celebrate Sonic's 15th birthday, it would have been an excellent game. Even the story could have been salvaged - after all, a longer development time means more chances for someone to step in and say "Wait, maybe having a human kiss a hedgehog isn't a good idea."

Nicholas Onimura: The game being rushed wasn't the result of SEGA wanting to celebrate Sonic's 15th birthday. They rushed it so they could make a big profit from the Holiday Season Spending Spree.

Wild Knight: Eh, same difference. Ish.

Nicholas Onimura: I found a little plot hole that's a bit jarring since it may have to do with other games in the series. After dealing with Iblis and Mephiles in the past, Silver leaves a Chaos Emerald with a young Elise. So she supposedly has had it since she was a child. If this is the case, then how was Sonic able to turn super all those times in previous games?

Wild Knight: The Reset Button got pushed. Solaris never existed, so Silver would've had no reason to go back in time (if he still exists...! Eh, he does.), so Elise couldn't have received the Chaos Emerald, therefore the Chaos Emeralds still exist to be collected by Sonic in other games. If the game takes place in the same continuity as the other games at all, that is. It might not - in fact, that was the impression I got, especially given Sega's talk of rebooting the franchise.

...You did remind me that that was one of my major problems with the game, because if I was wrong and the game didn't take place in an alternate continuity, then it basically meant that all the other Sonic games could've only existed between Elise getting the Emerald in the past and the events of the game in the present, meaning this game book ends the entire franchise while not really being the best fit for that role. I also really, really hate Stable Time Loops...

Stevefox1200: I kind of liked the game. The story was pretty good and while when the game was bad I wanted to throw my controller through the wall, when the game worked right I had a lot of fun. I think the game is about a 6 out of 10. It SHOULD of been better and I think that was a hook that most people could not get over.

Cambdoranononononono: Removed
  • Bolivian Army Ending - The scene the person mentioned happened during the actual story. The credits just show a recap that includes it.
  • Contested Sequel - It even says on the page that this isn't for examples that people overwhelmingly hated.
  • Deus ex Machina - I merged the Chaos Emeralds stuff with New Powers as the Plot Demands, as it's mostly about how the characters use them. The emeralds themselves have already been used for all kinds of things. I also removed the bit about this being a huge stretch from Chaos Control, as Chaos Control just generally manipulates time and space (see slowing down time and the various energy attacks in previous games). Basically, what it did was always conveniently vague.

Wild Knight: There's starting to grow a large number of tropes dealing exclusively with Pokecapn and company's LP. Should we section those off into a different list below the main trope list?

Random Fan 01: Flame of Disaster? More like, GAME OF DISASTER, am I right?
