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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Toon Noir: From YKTTW

Pro-Mole: It seems this trope is being greatly misunderstood. If I understood correctly, it's not about live-action footage and animation appearing in the same medium, but about live-action actors/actresses interacting with animation. It's hard to crop out the misguided examples, but this one is for sure:

Planet Cool: Removed The Muppet Show example because it does not fit the trope; the Muppets, in-context, are referred to either as monsters, as the species they're supposed to depict, or as ordinary people. They are not supposed to be cartoon characters, though.

Robin Adams: Would Knightmare count? The dungeoneer interacted with animated characters, such as the wall monsters, in an animated environment. You might not want to count computer-generated animation, though, as there are too many films these days that have live actors interacting with CGI monsters.
