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Archived Discussion Main / LeapOfFaith

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Tanto: The criticism of Donkey Kong Country overstates its case; methinks. With only a couple of exceptions (Tanked Up Trouble and Platform Perils leap to mind), almost all the bonus areas in that game are either slightly visible above the bottom of the screen or indicated by strings of bananas. You just have to pay attention, is all.

Mc Martin: Nuking natter re: Super Paper Mario, replicating here, with additional commentary.

  • Super Paper Mario leaves clues regarding which Leaps of Faith will be rewarded.
    • It does!?
      • Level 3-1 if I remember correctly...
      • All over the place, generally on signs you can only read while flipped into 3-D mode.

While I'm at it, the Donkey Kong Country analysis linked to at is a pretty careful explication of how DKC 2 does it right -- most of the criticism about the series seems to focus on the first game.
