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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Citizen: Another copypasta entry, go me.

stabbyfairy: There's finally an entry! Oh frabjous day! XD I was considering doing one myself but wasn't sure how to go about it. Hey, I just realised in the picture, there are 2 Kyos and 2 Yukis. Buh?

Citizen: Time paradox, lol.

Solandra: YES! Finally an entry! Even a copypasta entry, but hey, I was getting a bit tired with seeing one of my favorite series in only red links.

Citizen: Dead Little Sister... hmm... There's plenty of bishie angst to go around. The biggest (and best) example is saved for a reveal late in the manga and so will go unmentioned. Tohru does go through some periods of regret about her mother in the manga, but I still don't think that counts.

Deleted Rin as a Yandere
