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Archived Discussion Main / CoolChair

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Cool Chair: From YKTTW

  • I don't care what the goddamn movies say Sauron has a corporeal butt...
    • I just wanted the excuse to use the words "Sauron" and "butt" in the same sentence.

cg12345: That chair in the pic kicks so much ass, Earnest. I want one! :)

Earnest: As do I. But that damnable British Pound, which insist on being worth $1.8 American, has it priced at £4,500.00 (that is, $6,750)! It's like, do I want a car or a chair?! ... then again, perhaps I can have both? ... Mwahahaha!

cg12345: Go for it, dude. Screw the rules, you've got money!

Deadpool Fan: Deadpool recently made a chair out of plastic explosives, does this count?

cg12345: I should say so, yes.
