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YMMV / The Mummy: The Animated Series

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  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: Nefertiri, Evelyn's past life, looking the exact same, red hair and fair skin, might seem like the standard case of a justified Reused Character Design, but Ancient Egypt itself was quite diverse with people of all manner of hair and skin colours, with even Ramesses II himself having such hair and skin.
  • Growing the Beard: As stated on the main page, Season Two is generally regarded as being a marked improvement over Season One, even if it did rely even more heavily on MacGuffins.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • Imhotep never had any qualms about trying to kill people, but he never managed to successfully murder anyone... until "Trio." The episode opens with him raiding the hiding place of an ancient weapon, and when a few peasants try to come to the aid of Fadil, the young sentry, Imhotep responds by bombarding them and their village with boulders, one of which appears to fatally crush an elderly man.
    • Weasler is given the chance at a Heel–Face Turn in "The Cold." Evie tries to convince him to use the Trident of Voth to end the threat of Imhotep once and for all, while Imhotep promises Weasler We Can Rule Together. In the end, Weasler sides with Imhotep, solidifying that he has no real chance at redemption, something which is driven even further home in the series finale, where his response to being called out for betraying the world to Imhotep is a dismissive, "Your point?"
  • Narm: Imhotep and Anck-Su-Namun Calling Their Attacks by shouting things like "Sand, come alive!" and "Water, do my bidding!"
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Imhotep's Nightmare Face.
    • Anck-Su-Namun's final fate, being left trapped in agony in a wall in the Underworld.
  • The Scrappy: The Aglaophones were obnoxious joke villains and are possibly even hated by the director of their episode, who is credited as "Alan Smithee."
  • Squick:
    • Imhotep is an animate corpse, so he has visible gaps in the flesh of his face and neck, though that's nothing compared to how bad Anck-Su looks as a mummy in "Old Friends."
    • The scene in "Trio" where the Nihansan splits its own body open to unleash a Wave of Babies.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: The more lighthearted and heavily divergent show was not popular with fans of the films. Fans of the show are quick to point out that the films are just as guilty of these to their own source material.
  • Woobie Species: The ice trolls in "The Cold." They were frozen by vikings, but we never learn why; it's possible that the vikings were the aggressors, since Evie mentions that the hidden Greenlandic village was inhabited by the trolls, not them. The trolls only antagonize the O'Connells because they're apparently magically bound to do the bidding of whoever has possession of their locket, in this case, Weasler.
