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YMMV / Arkham Horror

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  • Anticlimax Boss:
    • Bokrug is one of the easiest Ancient Ones in the game. His Doom Track is relatively forgiving, and if you're diligent about killing monsters and closing gates, you can get rid of the four Beings of Ib before he awakens, which leaves him with very little means to screw you over in a significant manner, as his normal attacks don't actually hurt the players (instead acting as a countdown to the players' defeat). Additionally, one of his Sinister Plots makes him turn around and go back to sleep, ending the game in (an admittedly anticlimactic) victory for the Investigators.
    • Yig has been statistically one of the easiest-to-defeat Ancient Ones, even between different versions of him. In fact, he's recommended for players wanting a quicker game.
    • Ithaqua. He doesn't have too many checks you have to pass, and the battle is basically a straight-up physical brawl. If you use Call Ancient One when you're armed to the teeth, you have a shot at taking him out. Some players will swear by this method and not even bother closing gates if Ithaqua is the Ancient One.
    • Azathoth, despite his Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies nature, is still fairly easy to beat, as he takes a long time to wake up, has a very minor game-affecting ability, and sealing gates tends to be the most common way to win. He's often recommended as a beginner boss because he provides few special effects to worry about. This allows beginners to learn game mechanics and understand how to play.
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: A number of the various encounters possible in the game can become this given that there is no coherent plot between moment to moment. You may encounter bizarre characters or weird interactions, but after the card is resolved, most of these oddities cease to exist.
  • Breather Boss: Some of the easier Ancient Ones can make the game significantly simpler to play. In particular, Azathoth is one of the easiest given that he barely has any actual bearing on the game outside of the Maniac monster or his instant-kill during the endgame. For the most part, he does nothing else.
  • Demonic Spiders:
    • The Hound of Tindalos: it's one of the few monsters that can attack you in any location, can move anywhere on the board, and if playing a low Sanity character (poor Monterey Jack), it's almost impossible to fight, as it will just nuke your brain instantly.
    • Plain ol' ghosts from the main game also count. They're immobile, not to mention immune to physical attack and have hefty penalties on Will, Fight, and Sneak checks. In the wrong place against an ill-equipped character, they are a formidable roadblock.
    • Dholes. Resistance to both stats, lethal damage, high stats and toughness... the only thing keeping you sane is that it moves normally, meaning you can generally walk around it.
    • Leng Spiders are a massive pain when Atlach-Nacha is in play. Four toughness, fast movement, and the already existing ambush ability makes these things definite spiders of the demonic variety.
    • Servitors of the Outer Gods are very scary since they outright devour an investigator if they attack, and their stats are quite high as well. Even if they don't get to attack, their Overwhelming and Nightmarish attributes ensure you take some damage.
  • Game-Breaker: Despite the game's punishing difficulty, some investigators can really stick it to the Ancient Ones.
    • Mandy Thompson is undeniably the strongest investigator in the original game, and arguably even with expansions included. She starts with 4 clue tokens, which lets her seal a gate earlier than usual, and more importantly, her ability allows any one investigator per turn to reroll failed dice in a skill check. Any chance of being screwed over by bad dice rolls, whether in sealing a gate, killing a monster, or passing a risky event, can be remedied once every turn. She's only somewhat mitigated by her rather high-stakes personal story and low stats.
    • Patrice Hathaway and Akachi Onyele work very well together. Patrice allows other players to use her clue tokens and Akachi takes one less clue token to seal gates. Meaning that with a little luck, Akachi can almost continuously seal gates with Patrice's support. Furthermore, Akachi's Personal Story showers the board with clue tokens for Patrice to pick up. They're powerful alone, but together they make the game a cakewalk.
    • Patrice herself. In an online count of statistics, Patrice ties with Mandy as investigators that have successfully beaten a game (with or without other people). Though it makes sense that in a game about working together to defeat the board, the most powerful investigators are the support characters.
  • Goddamned Bats:
    • Some enemies have the "Endless" modifier, meaning they cannot be taken as a trophy (and thus eliminated for real). These enemies are usually easy to kill. Usually.
    • Cultists normally are amongst the weakest enemies (having abysmal Toughness and Combat ratings), but they have one particularly annoying trait: a very good Awareness stat, meaning you often just can't avoid them unless you have very good Sneak and are particularly lucky with dice rolls. And if you start combat with even one enemy, you can't move further until your next turn. This is in the game where one lost turn can mean difference between life and death. Some Ancient Ones also provide them with special bonuses, further increasing their annoyance (but usually not to the point of them becoming real dangers). Expansions introduce other enemies that are also treated as Cultists for the purpose of gaining the Ancient One's special boons, thus making more bats to cut through. Special mention to the following combos:
      • Cultists of Nyarlathotep, who combine this with being "Endless" (meaning you never can completely get rid of them).
      • Cultists of Hastur can fly, thus catching you at the worst moment possible. Cultists of Glaaki have similar abilities, thanks to being "Stalker" monsters.
      • Cultists of certain Ancient Ones can make your life harder even after being killed, by increasing Doom (Yig) or Terror level (Y'Golonac), or by infecting you with potentially lethal parasites (Eihort).
      • When using Tulzscha as Herald, cultists stop blocking the way (due to being considered "Elusive"), but start directly hunting... for seals, which they can destroy if they begin the Mythos phase in the same location as one, thus delaying your victory. Being a Herald, Tulzscha can be combined with any of above mentioned Ancient Ones for an even more annoying combo.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: The Herald "The Dark Pharaoh" makes using the Exhibit items very dangerous. The risk of being cursed for a trinket that may not be worth the effort can result in a frustrating experience, especially since said curse will continue screwing you over until it's gone (and these are not always easy to remove).
  • That One Boss: In general, the Ancient Ones are designed to be entirely unfair, and each one has something that can royally screw the party if they're not ready, but some of the Ancient Ones are significantly more frustrating even if you know how to prepare for them.
    • Great Cthulhu himself. His cultists affect your sanity like most other monsters. Everyone permanently loses a point of maximum health and sanity with him in play. In the final battle, he regenerates a doom token after every attack.
    • Atlach-Nacha is the most feared Ancient One in the game, and for good reason; sealing gates, the main method of defeating the Great Old Ones, barely inconveniences him at all. He is also extremely difficult to defeat once he awakens (though not impossible like Azathoth), with resistance to all damage and an ability that eats one Investigator or ally per round... and a card that can destroy all allies or target the player with the most items.
    • Glaaki, with all expansions in play, is often considered Atlach-Nacha's stiffest competition for the top spot. Its five unique minions drain the party's supply of items and tokens, it can instantly put them back in play during the final battle, and it feeds on the rapid Terror Track growth of many expansions with its ability to devour all investigators if the track goes above 10.
  • That One Sidequest: Finishing the personal stories of certain characters can be extremely difficult depending on the team present, the time the players have to get objectives done, the speed the game is progressing at, and the requirements for the personal story.
    • Amanda Sharpe can be killed off by pure bad luck, but her pass for the story can be difficult to obtain if she doesn't have the money to get unique items and fails to get the necessary card drops (which might force her to sit down at a location in the hopes of drawing the items needed).
    • The more monsters in play, the harder it is to complete Finn Edwards story by killing a cultist. Fail it and you drop all of your clue tokens and your movement by 1 point for the rest of the game.
    • Mandy Thompson's story requires you to have 5 gates fail to open thanks to Elder Signs. Even with the base game, this is statistically hard to do until you have numerous sealed locations, whereas it isn't hard to get a rumor card that just ruins the terror level and fails her.
