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YMMV / A Blight on Bonesborough

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Philip Wittebane, aka Emperor Belos, is just as vile as in canon. Originally a Human Witch Hunter, Philip dupes a time traveling Amity into helping him meet the Collector to orchestrate genocide against the Boiling Isles. Over the centuries, Philip adopts the identity of Belos and orchestrates all of the same atrocities that his canon incarnation did. When his plan is foiled, Belos betrays the Collector before he retreats to the Human Realm and makes a deal with Amity's parents to mass produce Abomitons for Belos. Unleashing them on the Boiling Isles to cause random devastation as a test, Philip then brings them with him when he returns to the Boiling Isles to recapture all of the Coven Heads and release the Collector in exchange for recreating the eclipse needed for his draining spell, which he achieves by brutally stabbing King for his Titan Blood.
    • Odalia Blight is Amity's abusive and controlling mother, who proves to be just as cruel as she is in canon. Odalia has an iron grip on the lives of her children, eventually driving Amity away. When Odalia discovers Vee disguised as Amity, Odalia locks her up in Amity's room which has been repurposed into a prison cell. When Vee escapes, Odalia initiates a manhunt to track her down to have her back in her control. Making a deal with Philp Wittebane for control over the Boiling Isles, Odalia happily provides him with Abomitons, knowing that Wittebane intends on using them for his genocidal ambitions. Odalia then actively aids Wittebane with his attempted genocide by using an Oracle Orb to see into the future and tell him what he needs to do. Discovering Amity has a Witch girlfriend, Luz, Odalia tries to have her killed to replace her with a rich Human boy of her choosing.
    • Bill the Elder leads the Titan Trappers, a cult that seeks to hunt the final Titan and free the Collector, whom they worship as a god by the name of the Grand Huntsman. Having been there when the first Titan fell a millennium ago, Bill was blessed by the Grand Huntsman to live until the final hunt is finished, helping to hunt the Titans to near-extinction in the meantime and personally killing hundreds of them, including children. In the present day, Bill attempts to sacrifice King so that he may free the Grand Huntsman and claim power and glory for himself alone. Unlike the rest of the Titan Trappers, who believe they are protecting the world from evil monsters, Bill cares not for saving anyone or stopping evil, seeking only the favor and power of gods, and is more than happy to commit acts of genocide in order to get what he wants.
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • In the final chapter, Belos brutally kills King for the sake of his goals and for a Kick the Dog moment. In "Thanks to Them", he impales Flapjack to crush everyone's spirits. Unlike King who has a Disney Death soon after, Flapjack gives up his life to save Hunter from dying.
    • The above moment from the same chapter also results in the Collector realizing why mortals aren't just toys they can replace when they witness King's death, something they learned the hard way after watching Belos kill Luz in "Watching and Dreaming".
  • Heartwarming in Hindsight: In "Elsewho and Elsewhy", Luz comforts Vee in her sleep as she's having a nightmare about Belos, telling her she's safe. 3 months later and almost 3 weeks after the story's conclusion, MoringMark published a comic titled "Safe", which uses this scenario.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • In "Old Blood, Young Souls" Camila suggests to Raine that they change the name of the BATT's to the CATT's (Covens Against The Throne) and it later becomes the name of a sub-division of the rebellion against Belos. Then "O Titan, Where Art Thou" comes out, revealing that the BATT's really did change their acronym to the CATT's.
    • The story has some members of the BATT's be revealed to be the father of one of Luz's friends and a basilisk who took a name that's Spanish for their number in their take of "Eda's Requiem". The authors of The Luz Clawthorne Saga confess that Gemini beat them to the punch with this, as by sheer coincidence, they had the same idea.
    • The third season begins after a 3-month Time Skip which details how things have changed for the protagonists. "Thanks to Them", the first Season 3 special, shows a few months passing over the course of a Time-Passes Montage.
    • The second intermission introduces the Gravesfield teens as one being a girl and another being non-binary. "Thanks to Them" reveals Masha is non-binary and the teen with glasses is confirmed to be female, the opposite of how they're portrayed in this series (at least until it's rewritten so that Masha comes out later on.)
    • "Thanks to Them" ended with Vee deciding to stay in the Human Realm as the Hexsquad set off to defeat Belos for good because she wasn't ready to return to the Demon Realm. In "Worlds Apart", Amity, Luz and Hunter convince her to stay behind while they retrieved the portal key from Alador since she spent months trying to get back to Earth and didn't have to fight Belos despite having the right.
