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WMG / Beyond the Outer Gates Lies... A high school library?

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Harry's harem is yet to be completed
Harry's side of his Soulgaze with Sona in A New Hope? seems to serve as Foreshadowing that there is one more person besides Tsubasa, Reya, Serafall and Sona herself that will be a permanent resident of their hypothetical Big Fancy House. Word of God says that "Harry would not poach Ise's Harem (at least as of vol 19)", so said potential girlfriend could be:


Lash is going to get her own body
The Chekhovs Guns are there, but they just haven't been fired together:
  1. The Christmas Episode showed that Lash can remote-control illusions of her preferred appearance like one would with a videogame Player Character.
  2. Right after the Kyoto School Trip Story Arc, DxD!Lasciel demonstrated a complex magical technique that can create a soulless homunculus from a person's DNA sample in a matter of minutes.
  3. The Alice White Rescue Arc confirmed that Lash possesses her own soul distinct from Harry's.
  4. Finally, Harry can imbue objects with his own soul, as seen when he tried to use Soulfire to scan Sona, Reya and Tsubasa's Evil Pieces (and accidentally getting them to undergo Mutation as a side-effect).

Putting all this together, it could be possible for Harry to put a piece of Lash's soul into a custom-made homunculus based on DxD!Lasciel's own DNA, which could allow her to remote-control it as a corporeal avatar, or perhaps even grant "her" with some level of self-awareness in a Robot Me kinda way, or split the difference at a two-member Hive Mind — one Lash in Harry's head as always and another as an Artificial Human, both helping and annoying him in equal measure.
They could even go the whole way and put the entirety of Lash's soul in a long-lived homunculus, but that sounds like a bad call given how Harry's survivability would nosedive without Lash riding shotgun in his mind. And that's before considering how bad an idea would be leaving him alone with the Winter Mantle.


Harry's Alternate Self born in High School D×D world exists, or rather existed a long, long time ago during the War of Forgotten
When Rossweisse told Harry about the sealing of He Who Walks Below, she mentioned that exactly one human magician was dragged inside by the creature currently know as Trihexa.

Now, why would a Puny Earthling be "supporting" heavy hitters such as "six Mother Goddesses, and thirty-seven each of the strongest Angels, Devils, and Valkyries" in an operation with at least an Class X Apocalypse How as the price of failure? It would make sense if said human was a Starborn, who through "a complex confluence of events, of energies, of circumstances [was born with] the potential to wield power over Outsiders."

From the The Dresden Files novels we know of one, maybe two, characters that fill the bill. And one of them we know for sure would risk a Fate Worse than Death to keep the world safe, perhaps even to the point he jumped into the seal so the Walker couldn't use him to drag itself out of the trap.

It would explain why there isn't a DxD!Harry in Bizarro World — "Ur-Harry" didn't technically die, or at least he didn't within his home Creation, meaning that his Soul didn't rejoin the Circle of Reincarnation and DxD!Harry was never born in modern times.


Harry is the Reincarnation of Bizarro World's Harry Houdini
Similar to the above. Harry's soul is native to Bizarro World but the unique circumstances of his birth caused him to be born in The Dresden Files' version of Earth instead after Houdini's actual passing. This "dual-citizenship" deal of his soul is perhaps what being a Starborn actually means and the real reason why his magic is effective on Outsiders.

As for why Harry was born before Houdini died, well, they lived in different Creations/Universes that work under very different fundamental rules. Who is to say that jumping from one to the other doesn't have Timey-Wimey Ball side-effects attached.

Maybe the whole reason why Harry de-aged to his teens upon entering Bizarro World is because the local universe partially recognized him as Houdini and "corrected" his age by taking away his last 30 years or so, which is the amount of time Ehrich Weiss has been dead according to the rumors. It wouldn't be that surprising considering such an unique set of circumstances and the fact that Bizarro World's reality is canonically stated to be glitchy since God's death.

Both Azazel and Serafall saw something about this when Harry Soulgazed them and unconsciously made the connection between him and Houdini, which is why they wrote Harry's In-Universe fictional counterparts as a descendant of the last true wizard.

Finally, if this is true, it would mean that Harry didn't ended up in Bizarro World by pure chance. His soul simply came back home at long last.


Harry's true age and outside-universe nature will be revealed
A running gag that has constantly popped up in the story/stories is that Harry is not from the Dx Dverse (or, as he knows it, Bizarro World), which causes a lot misunderstandings and trouble. Moreover, Harry has made frequent references to how much he hates dealing with hormones and teenage drama again. From a plot-view, it seems like too much of a good twist for Harry to be revealed. If he DOES get revealed, it would most likely be in one of the following ways:

  • Harry has made reference to searching for the Bizarro World counterparts for his friends and allies, as well as himself. While several of them do not exist, such as Harry himself, one of the confirmed counterparts is of one Karen Murphy, who seems to be living a much happier life without being involved with Harry Dresden. However, she may not be safe. As the light novels have shown, the Chaos Brigade is not above kidnapping the families and friends of their enemies, like how they kidnapped Issei’s family in a later volume. My prediction is that the Brigade or some other foes will find out about Harry’s search and come to the conclusion that Murphy is someone who Dresden cares about. The Brigade will then kidnap her in an attempt to use her against Harry, forcing Harry to explain just why he was searching for a police officer on in Chicago and just how he knows her, either to his friends/lovers, or to Murphy herself.

  • Harry is someone the Outsiders are wary of, especially given just how far he has gone to fight against them. The Outsiders KNOW of Harry and his deeds, which makes it a fair assumption that He Who Walks Below, also known as Trihexa, might know of him as well. So, when Trihexa is released by the Chaos Brigade, I predict that 666 will recognize Harry and “out” him for who he is. Alternatively, Harry has been slowly working toward letting go of his hold-ups about his past and his fears that the truth will drive away those who has come to love and care for in Bizarro World. I predict that, in the battle against Trihexa, Harry will finally let go and out himself, revealing his origins and deeds in a speech worth of an epic hero, such as labeling himself as “Lord of Demonsreach”, “Knight of the Winter Court”, and “Starborn”. I imagine this could be a sort of callback to the first chapter of gabriel blessing’s story, where Harry gives an epic speech against He Who Walks Behind before being sent to Bizarro World.


This is Harry’s Afterlife, his form of “Heaven”
Rather than the frankly miserable life of bear constant loss and conflict, where he was mistrusted by allies, cut off from support when he needed it most, and a love life straight out of a soap opera, in the Dx D!Universe, he has a steady income, his allies trust him implicitly, and a love life that would be and is the envy of most people, going by the looks he gets from the Christmas episode. This is because it’s his version of heaven, or perhaps a rebalancing of karma that he accrued from a life of good in the face of almost every hardship imaginable. 

Jossed and Confirmed

The Show Within a Show counterparts of Harry, Serafall and Jeanne are going to form a Love Triangle
It was hinted in the Kyoto Story Arc that Azazel wants to make a fictionalization of the Hero Faction to be the Arch-Enemy to the Wandering Wizard. This would work particular well in Miracle Levi-tan because the tension between Harry and Jeanne is the perfect set up for a tried-and-true Magical Girl cliché: the Love Triangle between the heroine, her love interest and the Dark Magical Girl.
