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WMG / A Twisted Tale

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Ideas for future books:
Just in case anyone has any ideas about what they could try:

  • Pinocchio: The Blue Fairy refuses to help Pinocchio for not going to school and lets Stromboli take him on his tour to teach Pinocchio a lesson, leading Jiminy Cricket and Geppetto to search for Pinocchio and free him.
    • Confirmed, at least with another book based on Pinocchio coming up.
  • Fantasia: In a fusion of elements from different segments, Yen Sid is actually training his apprentice to help him slay Chernabog. This is because the good sorcerer has become gripped by paranoia and thinks the evil being is plotting to escape from Bald Mountain somehow. Said apprentice is a Canon Foreigner instead of Mickey since it's unlikely that they'll be allowed to put him in a Darker and Edgier novel. However, he could still be referenced in some way.
  • Dumbo: Smitty gets caught picking on the baby elephant, and his parents and the Ringmaster decide to make him work in the circus during their short stay in town as punishment. While doing his duties, he starts warming up to Dumbo and his mother, and they eventually become friends, with Smitty thinking back to and admitting all the times he was teased for his big ears. This leads to him meeting Timothy Mouse and they all come up with the idea of teaching Dumbo to fly.
  • Bambi: Bambi's father is killed instead of his mother (or both parents could be killed near the beginning of the book) and he must take over his father's role.
    • Semi-confirmed, an upcoming anthology collection will have a story based on Bambi.
  • The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Ichabod Crane survives his encounter with the Headless Horseman and allies with Brom Bones and the rest of the town to rid Sleepy Hollow of the Horseman for good.
    • Alternatively, the Headless Horseman is actually a Van Tassel who wants to protect the family from Crane's greed.
  • Lady and the Tramp: One of the Tramp's former girlfriends/flings comes onto the scene and tries to sabotage his romantic date with Lady, out of a mix of both jealousy and a belief that the Tramp hasn't changed and that he'll leave Lady in the dust once he gets bored of her and break her heart in the process. Ultimately, she realizes that he is serious about Lady and helps them get together, and she becomes an Honorary Aunt to their puppies.
  • 101 Dalmatians: Jasper and Horace are more competent and kill some of the Dalmatians, leading Pongo, Perdita, and their kids to avenge them and rescue the ones who remain.
  • The Sword in the Stone: Sir Ector is unable to accept Arthur's position as King despite his mercy towards him and forms an army along with Kay to overthrow Arthur and Merlin.
    • Confirmed, at least with another book based on The Sword in the Stone coming up.
  • The Jungle Book: Some animal other than the wolves raises Mowgli.
  • The Aristocats: Edgar puts too many sleeping pills in the milk and kills Duchess, leading Toulouse, Marie, and Berlioz to find their way back home.
  • Robin Hood (1973): Prince John doesn't fall under the ruse and kills Robin Hood in his carriage, leading Little John to gather all the citizens of Nottingham to overthrow Prince John.
    • Alternatively, Prince John forces Robin Hood to betray his friends by threatening to execute Maid Marian, who is secretly pregnant. Despite hating it with every fiber of his being, Robin now has to act as Prince John's agent and hunt the fugitive Little John, who has become more dangerous and extreme since Robin's defection.
    • Semi-confirmed, an upcoming anthology collection will have a story based on Robin Hood.
    • Confirmed, at least with another book based on Robin Hood coming up.
  • The Rescuers: While trying to recover the Devil's Eye for Medusa, Penny finds a secret passage along with Bernard and Bianca, using it to escape, forcing Medusa and Snoop to pursue her so she doesn't tell the authorities about their actions.
    • Alternatively, Bernard and Bianca are rivals with different partners, but have to move past it to save Penny.
  • The Fox and the Hound: Copper ends up knocking Chief towards the train to save Tod, killing Chief and leading Amos Slade to disown his dog and set himself on hunting down both friends.
    • Big Mama goes to Vixey's skulk to see if they'll take Tod in before she, Dinky, and Boomer arrange for Widow Tweed to take care of him. They coldly refuse to, but this piques Vixey's curiosity and she seeks out this fox she's heard of, resulting in her befriending Tod and Copper while they're all kids.
  • The Great Mouse Detective: Basil, Dawson, and Olivia arrive a bit too late and the Mouse Queen gets eaten by Felicia, leading to Ratigan's coronation as Mice King of England.
  • Oliver & Company: Bill Sykes gets fed up with Fagin's constant failures and sends his henchmen to burn his house down, leading Oliver, Dodger, and the others to escape with evidence of Sykes' deal with Fagin, forcing them to go on the run from Sykes' henchmen.
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Teddy also survived his encounter years ago, and has spent years tracking the Toon down. This, of course, ties into the main events of the movie, and both brothers work twice as hard to stop Judge Doom and save Roger.
  • The Rescuers Down Under: Percival C. McLeach finds Jake and Bianca on his truck and feeds them to the crocodiles, leading Bernard to help Cody and Marahute to escape from McLeach only to then plan how to avenge the deaths of Bianca and Jake, leading the Rescue Aid Society to intervene once they become aware of Bernard's plans.
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington never discovers Christmas or just goes through another door instead.
    • Alternatively, instead of being shot down, Jack gets captured by the police and taken to a top-secret military base when they find out he's a real skeleton. There's a department that knows all about the holiday worlds and their leaders, and they won't let him go until the real Santa Claus comes back. It's up to the citizens of Halloween Town to find him and Sally, stop Oogie Boogie, and save Christmas and the Pumpkin King.
    • A book based on the movie has been confirmed, though it apparently centers on Sally.
  • The Lion King: Simba dies rather than Mufasa or instead of driving him away and having him killed by the hyenas, Scar decides to raise Simba as his son; when the young prince discovers the truth, he'll have to choose between his Parental Substitute and his people.
    • Semi-confirmed, the anthology collection has a story based on The Lion King.
  • A Goofy Movie: Goofy discovers Max's deception with the map early, and they never go to LA.
    • Max tells Roxanne a different lie; That Goofy got him two tickets for the Powerline concert and is letting him borrow his car to go to LA. Roxanne assumes that means he's asking her to go, so instead of going home after, Max buys the tickets from a shady character and steals Pete's car so he can have the "best first date ever". This leads to Goofy and Pete teaming up to chase Max down.
  • Toy Story: Sid successfully blows up Buzz, and Woody makes it back to Andy without him, having to deal with the other toys still believing him to be the killer.
    • Alternatively, Andy's mother buys him an Evil Emperor Zurg toy instead of Buzz. He supplants Hamm as the villain in Andy's playtime scenarios, which encourages Zurg to try to take over the "planet of Andy's Room".
  • Pocahontas: Governor Ratcliffe concludes that there's no gold in Virginia and orders an attack on the Powhatans believing that they have dug all of it, allowing the Massawomecks to take advantage of the situation and attack both groups, kidnapping Pocahontas in the process, forcing Kocoum and John Smith to put aside their difference and team up to rescue her.
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney): The Gargoyles can communicate with people other than Quasimodo. While they could easily take out Frollo, they are instead terrified of him due to a nasty threat he made: They hurt him, and he kills Quasimodo.
    • Quasimodo is seriously injured by the rowdy crowd at the festival, and Frollo has him taken back to the cathedral. To make sure he's going to be okay, Esmeralda disguises herself as a regular "worshipper" so she can check on him. Unfortunately, Frollo comes to lust after her persona as well.
  • A Bug's Life: Flik is outright exiled from the ant colony before he can propose looking for heroes. He still ends up meeting the circus gang but joins them.
  • Tarzan: Tarzan's human parents live and raise him alongside the apes rather than directly with them. Alternatively, Tarzan is old enough to understand who he is when his parents are killed and he’s adopted.
    • Alternatively, Tarzan's situation is the same as it is in the film, but Jane, Professor Porter, and Clayton are stranded in the jungle without their supplies after their ship sinks. This results in a new dynamic with Tarzan.
  • Toy Story 2: Woody doesn't change his mind about going to the museum in Japan... Until he's already there.
    • Alternatively, Al isn't collecting Woody's Roundup toys and merchandise but instead is amassing a collection of porcelain dolls to sell to the museum in Japan. Instead of resorting to stealing anything, he just asks Mrs. Davis if she has any and she sells him Bo Peep.
  • The Emperor's New Groove:
    • A palace guard witnesses Yzma turn Kuzco turn into a llama, and Kronk hitting him on the head. He arrests Yzma and Kronk and forces Yzma to turn Kuzco human again. Kuzco remains as vain and selfish as ever, but now he's increasingly paranoid and becomes The Caligula.
    • Yzma has Kuzco and Pacha imprisoned for the emperor's murder, in an attempt to paint herself as merciful. They and Pacha's family must find a way to reveal the truth and restore Kuzco to his rightful place.
    • What if Kuzco’s first assassination attempt was successful?
    • What if Pacha hadn’t gone back to rescue Kuzco?
    • What if Yzma's potion to kill Kuzco turned him undead, kickstarting a Zombie Apocalypse that Pacha and his family have to fight to survive?
  • Monsters, Inc.: Waternoose isn't exposed, but instead pins the blame for his scheme on Mike and Sulley themselves, leading them to become fugitives.
    • Alternatively, Waternoose decides to exile Randall along with Mike and Sulley since he could potentially betray him for his own gain. He arranges for another door to come down at the same time as the door to the Himalayas, which confuses all three enough for him to push them in. Wherever it is they end instead, they have to form an uneasy alliance when a group of human hunters set their sights on them.
    • Alternatively, Mike and Celia are the ones to encounter Boo instead of Sulley. When Sulley is pulled aside for a quick briefing of the scare recruits with Mr. Waternoose, Mike has no choice but to tell Celia about his missing paperwork dilemma, and both have to collect the papers and ultimately meet Boo. Seeing Randall bring the door back to the door warehouse, Mike and Celia have no choice but to bring Boo into Harryhausen’s against their will, leading to the explosion of Harryhausen's (original deleted scene homage). The two decide to head back to Celia’s home as Sulley would be too risky, especially with his track record with Mr. Waternoose. Without Mike’s teddy bear “Little Mikey” the crying power surge never happens but Mike and Celia discover she isn’t toxic or dangerous at all when Boo touches one of Celia's hair snakes and bond with her much earlier than Sulley did. Sulley however starts to get worried for Mike especially hearing the destruction of Harryhausen’s on the news. The two head to work to bring Boo (still in the duffle bag with no monster costume) back to her door. Randall still interrogates Mike and tells him to meet on the scare floor in five minutes, where instead of Mike being captured, it is instead Celia. She is put into the scream extractor and has her scream sucked out longer than Mike did in the original. Mike still unplugs the machine but her voice is damaged badly. They report to Waternoose who is shocked as well as Sully. They are banished to the Himalayas but don’t separate from each other. They both find the village and make their way back to the monster world and save Sulley from being strangled by Randall, after destroying the scream extractor appalled by Waternoose's change of heart. The three ride the door conveyor and the discovery of laughter energy is first established here instead. Sulley is the one to expose Waternoose by leading the CDA to the scream extractor room, and Celia is the one to activate the training room to trick Waternoose. When Waternoose is thrown in jail, Mike & Celia say goodbye to Boo, but Mike still rebuilds her door. In the end, Celia’s voice is recovered, and the two ultimately become the new presidents of Monsters Incorporated, with Sulley becoming a floor manager for the laugh floor.
  • Atlantis: The Lost Empire: Rourke doesn't betray Helga and the two manage to escape from the volcano with Kida, destroying Atlantis. This encourages Milo, his friends, and the surviving Atlanteans to keep chasing Rourke and his mercenaries so they can get Kida back and settle what remains of the Atlantean society where they can live in peace.
  • Kingdom Hearts: Sora and Riku swap places in the story, with Riku getting the Keyblade up front and Sora falling in with Maleficent.
  • Lilo & Stitch: The United Galactic Federation arrests Jumba Jookiba before he can even work on Experiment 626, and exiles him to Earth for his crimes. In his exile, he meets and befriends the Pelekai family, and learns about Hawaii, the Earth, and how comparatively less fortunate people live.
    • Alternatively, Jumba experiments on himself instead.
    • Alternatively, Stitch can land his ship in Kaua'i safely, only for Lilo - who is running away from hula class due to Mertle's abuse - to stumble into the ship and fly it off into space to parts unknown.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl: The pirates successfully capture Will at Port Royal, and it's Elizabeth who goes to save him... without Jack Sparrow's help.
  • Treasure Planet: Scroop falls off the mast when he is about to cut Mr. Arrow's lifeline and accidentally cuts his lifeline on instinct, falling into the black hole and sparing Mr. Arrow, who informs Captain Amelia that there's possibly a planned mutiny among the crew of the RLS Legacy, leading Silver to change his plans while believing that Jim cut off Scroop's lifeline.
    • Semi-confirmed, an upcoming anthology collection will have a story based on Treasure Planet.
  • Finding Nemo: Pearl, Sheldon, or Tad (Nemo's friends/classmates) end up getting taken by Phil Sherman along with Nemo, and their respective father joins Marlin on the journey to get them both back.
    • Alternatively, Nemo can successfully place the pebble in the aquarium's filter tube. Because of this, Gil's plan goes off without a hitch and he, Nemo, and the Tank Gang can successfully escape (and get out of the baggies sooner). But since the Tank Gang were born in captivity, they have to deal with the harsh realities of adapting to life in the ocean.
  • Brother Bear: Denahi stops Kenai from killing Koda's mom, and both of them instead follow them to find out why bears are the symbol of Love.
    • Sitka lives and he and Denahi are transformed alongside Kenai, becoming an eagle and a wolf, respectively. The three brothers have to find a way to live together this way while finding a way to be restored to normal.
  • The Incredibles: Stratogale is adopted by the Parrs and survives the plane accident, likely helping the Deavors along the way.
    • Alternatively, Bob, Helen, and Lucius form a vigilante team after the Supers Ban rather than being forced into retirement, alongside Violet and Dash who grow up differently due to being allowed to use their powers despite the ban.
    • Another idea that's also popular, is Mr. Incredible finally decided to accept Buddy as his sidekick.
    • Confirmed, at least with another book based on The Incredibles coming up.
    • Jossed, the book is about Violet being an agent of Syndrome, showing what would happen if Violet had taken her dad's place in going to the island instead of him going on his second trip, Bob and Helen are apparently killed off (in hiding), fracturing an already fragile family further, by outright making Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack orphans.
  • Home on the Range: The cows accidentally blow up Alameda Slim's mine hideout, allowing Rico and Mr. Wesley to take over the operation and run away with Slim's money and the cows along with Buck, leading Maggie and Lucky Jack to go after the criminals while Ms. Calloway and Grace go back to Little Patch of Heaven to warn the Sheriff about Rico's treachery even if it means losing the farm.
  • Chicken Little: The "sky" never falls on Chicken Little, and the aliens never get involved in his story, turning it into a much more mundane tale about a geeky son trying to make his jock dad proud of him.
    • Alternatively, in an echo of many people's problems with the town and Chicken Little's dad, the main character gives up on trying to salvage his reputation and get his dad's approval. The constant barrage of ridicule and disappointment eventually makes him resent everyone but his close friends. Possibly he allies with a different alien race to either leave or get his revenge while his friends and the town at large are aided by the original aliens to find him. The main thrust of the story is Chicken Little realizing that just because he has a good reason for his anger, it doesn't justify him taking it out on other people (he'd likely eventually go further than punishing his tormenters) and that the rest of the other characters (sans his friends) realize just how horrendously they've been tormenting him for a single mistake (that turns out to have actually been somewhat legitimate).
  • Cars: Lightning McQueen never gets lost in Radiator Springs and reaches the big race on time, inflating his ego even more.
  • The Wild: Instead of going back to the zoo, the main cast decides to start new lives in Africa. Meanwhile, back in New York, there's a rising cry of protests from animal activists berating the humans who've laughed at Ryan over the years.
  • Ratatouille: Auguste Gusteau doesn't die after losing one of his stars because of Anton Ego, and instead becomes a hermit trying to hone his cooking skills in the wilderness (much to Ego's snide amusement). Chef Skinner runs the restaurant in his stead and Remy and Linguini similarly form their partnership, but they and Colette learn that Skinner plans to have Gusteau "taken care of" by hired thugs so he can slap Gusteau's image on frozen dinners. Along with Emile, they set out to find him and protect Gusteau.
  • Meet the Robinsons: Instead of trying to sabotage and steal Lewis' memory scanner, Future Goob kidnaps Lewis intending to leave him somewhere in history that he won't have the resources to invent anything. Wilbur intervenes, but in the process he causes the time machines to crash, killing Goob and leaving himself and Lewis stranded in the past. Perhaps the Industrial Revolution, where Lewis found like-minded aspiring inventors.
    • Alternatively, Future Goob kidnaps young Franny so that Lewis will never fall in love with her and have their family. Wilbur "recruits" Lewis to help him search for Franny in whatever period Future Goob abandoned her in.
    • Or - in a combination of the above - Future Goob does kidnap young Franny, but Wilbur and Lewis's rescue attempts result in the time machines stranding them and Franny in the past. Wilbur gets a menial labor job to provide for his future parents, while they all adapt to a lower-tech period for all three of them.
  • WALL•E: The plant is successfully destroyed, leading WALL-E and EVE to have to find another way to bring the Axiom home.
  • Bolt: Penny believes that the Bolt replacement is her Bolt, causing Bolt to leave heartbroken when he finds the truth, asking Mittens if he can go to live on his own like her along with Rhino.
    • Alternatively, The director/show-runner of the Bolt TV series (who would be given a name) decides a cliffhanger won't be enough. They have to kill off Bolt and retool the show. After he's "killed", Bolt gets shipped off to an out-of-state pound that he assumes is the afterlife. Mittens and Rhino become involved despite the differences, with the former getting caught by animal control and placed in the same pound the latter being bought online to be Penny's new offscreen pet.
    • Alternatively, Bolt accidentally gets himself shipped off not to New York City, but into a VERY far stretch of Tokyo. His delusions are even more greatly exemplified as he can't even understand the native tongue of Japanese from the dogs. This makes it difficult to communicate with even the dogs on the location of Penny who he still believes is captured by Dr. Calico. Famished, Bolt tries to get food from strangers, without the "dog face" and when he seems to have finally found food, a group of dogs comes by and viciously attacks him (Pretty much the deleted scene but without Mittens) and as the rain falls down, his lightning bolt marking gets washed away, effectively making him unrecognizable from any other white sheered dog. A passing dog (possibly a Shiba Inu) comes by to a disheartened and badly bruised Bolt. The dog can speak fluent English and cares for him offering something big. The dog is a retired actor who starred in a show that is still running currently in Japan, and Bolt is just what they are looking for. With assistance, Bolt is given a role as the replacement for his part in a show that just so happens to have a dog as a superhero. The show is mega popular in Japan even more so than Bolt, but the agents and Penny are made aware of it as it grows in popularity from Bolt's return to the public eye. Penny is saddened to see him a lot more bruised and scarred but yet is super relieved to see that Bolt is doing ok. She wants to travel to Japan as soon as possible, but her agent is rather focused on the interviews that Penny has in store about the missing super dog, and it is at that point that she stands up to her agent and quits the show entirely. Penny reunites with Bolt and sees a different side to him, proud of who he is, and the new dog gets taken to the States where they can live a happy and regular life.
  • Up: Carl dies instead of Ellie, and she's the one who journeys to Paradise Falls.
    • Alternatively, a younger, pre-marriage Carl and Ellie win the lottery and use the money to go to Paradise Falls. Muntz has yet to descend into complete madness and the two fall under his sway and help him in hunting for the bird.
  • The Princess and the Frog: Charlotte's kiss will break the spell on Tiana and Naveen; all 3 of them will end up disappointed with their supposed happy endings.
    • Alternatively, Charlotte is turned into a frog instead of Tiana.
    • Confirmed, The next book will be based on The Princess and the Frog.
  • Toy Story 3: Lotso actually presses the button to save Andy's toys from the incinerator.
  • Tangled: Flynn is healed because his injury was more severe than in canon and thus he was unable to cut Rapunzel's hair, forcing her to go with Gothel as she promised. Flynn is forced to go on the run as he tries to find a way to free Rapunzel.
  • TRON: Legacy: Tron was never reprogrammed into Rinzler, and leads a resistance against CLU's regime.
  • Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension: Doofenshmirtz never invented the Amnesia-Inator, and Perry has to leave the Flynn-Fletcher family.
  • Wreck-It Ralph: Ralph ends up assimilated by the Cy-Bugs and puts Litwak's Family Fun Center in an apocalyptic situation.
  • Sofia the First: Cedric finds the Amulet of Avalor before Roland meets Miranda and takes over the kingdom of Enchancia. However, while he's out in the village, he meets a certain little girl who treats him with kindness and understanding instead of fear. This starts to humble Cedric and make him think about whether he made the right decision.
  • Gravity Falls: Stan is the one who falls through the portal instead of Ford.
  • Big Hero 6: Hiro is sent to juvie for his involvement in Mr. Yama's fights while Tadashi suspects what Professor Callaghan is planning to do against Alistair Krei.
    • Alternatively, Callaghan acts sooner and tries to steal Hiro's microbots and transmitter as Yokai while the Hamadas are sleeping. This results in the deaths of Hiro and Cass, leaving Tadashi without a family.
    • Alternatively, Chief Cruz is immediately successful in capturing and unmasking Big Hero 6, throwing the entire city into chaos and letting Trina put her plan into action early. It's up to Megan and Cass to get through to Chief Cruz and demand him think about what's really best for San Fransokyo and what's really the right thing to do.
  • Inside Out: Riley goes forward with running away from home.
  • Zootopia: When investigating the Missing Animals case, Judy and Nick are now joined by Clawhauser and Finnick.
    • Alternatively, Judy gives up her dream of becoming a cop and becomes a farmer instead. Because Judy never went to Zootopia and became a cop, she never meets Nick and the two aren't there to stop Bellwether. This leads to Bellwether winning and turning Zootopia into a dark and dystopian society, where prey live comfortable lives up the society's hierarchy while predators are forced to wear shock collars 'for protection', with Nick being one of them. Nick eventually has enough of this and escapes to Bunnyburrow, where he meets Judy.
    • Alternatively, Instead of Bellwether running the night howler operation, it would be Chief Bogo instead. Rather than Bellwether intervening in Judy’s insubordination, Bogo will fire her far earlier than before. Judy’s about to leave when she overhears a much more heated conversation with Mrs. Otterton and she hears a more aggravated and somewhat defensive tone in Bogo’s voice that makes Judy think he’s covering something up. Clawhauser, who is the only member of the force naive to the whole operation and not aware of her firing gives both evidence of Emmett Otterton’s kidnapping as well as a list of the recruits. It’s now up to Judy along with the assistance of an unlikely pairing of two con foxes, Nick Wilde and Finnick to dig deeper into the missing mammal case and potentially expose the police force. Judy and Nick will go through their investigation just like in the movie without Bogo’s interference in the rainforest district, while Finnick spies on the ZPD headquarters at night and ultimately gives them the coordinates for Cliffside Asylum. There would obviously have to be a massive overhaul in Bogo’s character as he would have the same goals as Bellwether with prey being the dominant force but it feels more believable given his strict nature and his bigotry towards others below him. This twist could also add an extra layer of social commentary not just on racism, but also on the corrupt force of the police and how they use their position to get what they desire.
  • Moana: Maui traps Moana on his island and decides to find some new place to relax, unaware that the water is going after him while Chief Tui leads a fleet to rescue his daughter even if it means facing the Kakamora fleet.
    • Alternatively, it could see a world where Maui somehow escaped his island on his own and goes to Motonui to show off his powers to mortals again. Maui essentially usurps control of the village of the Waialiki family, and he neglects the issue of the encroaching darkness and uses his powers to create short-term solutions. To save the island and the seas, Moana has to steal the heart of Te Fiti and return it, now joined by Tui.
  • Coco: Miguel doesn't make it back from the Land of the Dead in time and Hector fades away completely, leaving the entire Rivera family (both dead and alive) dealing with the guilt of taking their music ban too far.
  • Incredibles 2: What if Winston decided to actually choose Mr. Incredible as the Super to bring Supers back instead of Elastigirl?
    • What if Winston chose Violet or Dash (or both) for the job of reviving the Supers instead of Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible? (Thereby leaving both Bob and Helen at home to discover Jack-Jack's powers, instead of Bob and the Parr siblings).
    • What if Tony's memory of Violet was never erased?
  • Ralph Breaks the Internet: Ralph accidentally causes Vanellope to get erased due to Arthur's messing with the systems of Slaughter Race, sinking him into a depression which drives him mad after he keeps seeing the negative comments his videos get on BuzzzTube.
  • Luca: The people of Portorosso still actively hunt sea monsters and are a militaristic society where Ercole's family controls everything with an iron fist. As such, Luca lives in fear of the surface and only goes up when he sees Alberto being captured shortly after meeting him under slightly different circumstances. Alberto himself is now a rebel trying to take down Portorosso through force, while Luca - in his efforts to rescue Alberto - decides he wants to "change the system from the inside" while infiltrating the town.
  • Amphibia: Anne gets Isekai'd into Amphibia just like in canon, but Marcy ends up in Toad Tower, and Sasha in Newtopia. For the sake of incorporating most of the episodes in one book cohesively, Anne will reunite with Marcy in a much more heartfelt reunion akin to Marcy at the Gates, during Anne of the Year and the townspeople of Wartwood will be taken to Toad Tower. Marcy would be a swordswoman just like Sasha, but she would be a lot more emotionally damaged, having endured being a prisoner by Grime a LOT longer than Sasha in canon as she doesn't have the rebellious edge she has. She is forced by Grime to fight Anne at the end of Reunion, but instead of falling off the tower, Anne picks Marcy up and they later travel to Newtopia with the Planters. Along the journey, Marcy becomes straightforward with Anne and admits her intentions for using the Calamity Box. Anne is furious at first, but ultimately forgives Marcy, feeling pity for her treatment in Toad Tower. General Yunan would greet Anne, Marcy, and the Planters at the gates instead of Marcy and are taken to Sasha and King Andrias. Sasha would be WAY more controlling than in canon (And never goes through the same journey Marcy did as described in her journal where she even rules alongside King Andrias. They ultimately have to go to each of the temples as a group and bring the stones together, and King Andrias betrays them all just like in canon. The ending fight of True Colors would go down mostly the same, but Sprig would unfortunately die without Joe Sparrow's intervention and Sasha would instead be stabbed by Andrias and used for the core. The season 3 portion would be mostly the same, but Anne would feel super guilty and depressed about Sprig's death, and Marcy would have to form a more than hostile relationship with Grime. All In would result in the death of Captain Grime, Sasha would apologize greatly for trying to control her friends and everyone around her, and The Hardest Thing would be mostly the same.
  • Frozen II: Elsa accidentally brings her grandfather and his soldiers back to life, leading King Runeard and his men to return to the Enchanted Forest to destroy what remains of the Northuldra tribe.
  • Onward: Magic hasn't simply fallen out of favor due to technology, but has recently been explicitly outlawed by the government, with the mayor of New Mushroomton being a major advocate for the ban. As a result, a very conflicted Colt arrests Ian on his birthday when he tries to use his late father's visitation spell gift. Barley - out of both love for his little brother and intense hatred for the law against magic - decides to break Ian out so they can use the spell, along with a couple of Ian's classmates who don't think he'll survive in jail.
  • Raya and the Last Dragon: Namaari doesn’t help Raya fight against the Drunn and runs away into a safe place where no Drunn can enter. With no more discord to feed off on, the Drunn dissipates, and Namaari is ultimately the lone survivor of the Drunn’s invasion in Fang. The Drunn may be gone, but the scars are still huge as her mother, her people, and her childhood friend are now petrified. Still clutching to her dragon gem, she tries to collect the other pieces of the dragon gem to bring everything back to normal, but they are nowhere to be found on Raya or her allies. Her dragon knowledge leads her to believe that the gems have somehow returned to their spots and the cycle has reverted. With no serlot to use, Namaari goes on a long and arduous journey on foot to every land in Kumandra to collect the respective pieces back together and restore everyone from petrification. It's basically Raya’s journey but in reverse, and much longer without any water stream or animal companion at her whim, and a whole lot of emotional baggage on Namaari's part both physically and emotionally. She ultimately learns about the ramifications of betrayal as demonstrated by the Talon chief-tress Dang Hu, and loses something valuable in the process, potentially her arm that she has to make a prosthetic for (a nod to her original concept design).
  • Cruella: Cruella’s father is there when she is born, and she is raised under her biological mother, the Baroness.
  • Soul: Joe is left physically disabled after falling into the sewer opening and only gets a fleeting glimpse of the conveyor belt to the Great Beyond, leaving him both bitter and haunted. He ends up meeting Moonwind, who teaches him how to project into the Zone, where he meets 22 while they're messing with Connie, who has started going into the Zone while playing the trombone because she wants to get good enough to cheer up Joe.
  • Encanto: Mirabel did receive a gift, and/or someone else in the family didn’t.
    • Alternatively, Mirabel runs away from home after Antonio's ceremony.
  • Turning Red: Mei Lee does the ritual right away and separates herself from her red panda form, turning it into another more mundane tale about a daughter trying to live up to her mother's expectations.
    • Alternatively, Mei becomes stuck in the red panda form and begins to slowly become more and more like a normal red panda, which puts her very sense of humanity at risk.
  • Elemental (2023): A massive, catastrophic earthquake occurs in Element City sometime after Wade and Ember meet, but before they fall in love. With a very large portion of the city reduced to rubble, they join up with two characters made for the story; an Earth elemental woman and an Air Elemental man. Together, they use their respective talents and abilities to survive and search for their families.
  • Wish (2023): Magnifico accepts Asha as his apprentice and/or grants Sabino's wish, meaning she never wishes on Star.
    • Alternatively, King Magnifico immediately kills Asha with his dark magic, leaving the rest of the kingdom helpless. Simon, however, now that he's no longer brainwashed, is still free but realizes he sadly cannot do anything alone. With the help of some of the talking animals, he manages to sneak onto a boat and escape, forced to flee to the mainland. He calls for reinforcements, including another sorcerer who knows all about the forbidden magic. It's now up to Simon to lead the charge back to his kingdom to save Rosas and take down their now-evil king.

Some books won’t be novels.
What If stories for non-fairy tale movies (Wreck-It Ralph, Zootopia, etc.) and/or Pixar films might be better suited for graphic novels, under a different but related line. Yes, it could be under Marvel.
  • Partially Jossed, there's an anthology collection coming up that will have Ratatouille and Brave as two of their stories, and Brave will get its own book soon, but not in graphic novel form.
  • Partially Confirmed: Part Of Your World was adapted into a graphic novel, and other books might follow suit.
    • Confirmed, Straight On Till Morning and Almost There will be adapted soon.

Gina is Cassandra.
Gina being raised by a good wife just as Rapunzel was with Mother Gothel could mean that Gothel was caring for them both at the same time or that Cassandra was adopted by someone else instead of the Captain of the Guard.

Pixar stories will confirm or deny the Pixar Theory.
Hey, if Cthulu’s in Little Mermaid, anything can happen.

The Journey Home from the Twisted Tale Anthology is actually a prologue to a Bad Future
Since Belle never ends up meeting the Beast or the transformed servants in his castle, that means she never falls in love with him and breaks the curse before the final petal falls. The Beast loses what sense of humanity he has left and mentally devolves into the very monster that Gaston falsely painted him in "Kill the Beast" in canon. He eventually becomes a threat to the village, which has no one really equipped to fight him since Gaston is gone (due to being married to the bossy baroness). As a result, it becomes a hellhole where everyone either ends up dead or hiding in fear, and much of what Belle and Maurice have built will be undone as a result.

If there's ever a second Anthology book, none of the stories will be based on the movies that the stories in the first one were
This would mean that all of the following would be off the table:
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • Mulan
  • Ratatouille
  • Cinderella
  • The Lion King
  • Treasure Planet
  • Robin Hood
  • The Little Mermaid
  • Peter Pan
  • The Princess and the Frog
  • Brave
  • The Sword in the Stone
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Hercules
  • Bambi
  • Sleeping Beauty

Instead, the stories would be a mix of ones based on both movies that have gotten full Twisted Tale novels that weren't used for the first Anthology book and of movies that have yet to receive any stories in the series at all.
