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Video Game / Cat Quest II

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Cat Quest II is the sequel to Cat Quest, created by The Gentlebros. Like the original, it is an Action RPG, but this installment introduces a cooperative play feature. It was released on September 24, 2019.

Under threat from a continuing war between the cats of Felingard and the advancing dogs of the Lupus Empire, Cat Quest II tells the tail of two kings, brought together on a journey of paw-some discovery to reclaim their thrones.

A third game in the series, Cat Quest: Pirates of the Purribean, has been announced with a projected 2024 release year.

Tropes present in this game:

  • Author Avatar: The "Gentlecats" try unsuccessfully to intimidate the protagonists by showing them their power over the game (no, not the game world, the actual game). When that fails, they drag them into another dimension for a boss fight...and when that fails, they congratulate you, invite you to join their club, and give you a really snazzy suit.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: The tyrannical kings Wolfen and Lioner, who are driving their citizens into an unwanted war and taking all their gold under the guise of "taxes". The true mastermind, The God of Evil is the true instigator of the game by forcing the two kings to fight each other to see which belief is better, power, fear, or unity, stealing the strongest for himself to become even stronger.
  • Boring, but Practical: You can outrun any attack just as long as you keep moving. A relatively early powerup lets you deal Scratch Damage to any enemy you roll through. Therefore, a viable (if time-consuming) strategy against any enemy is to roll at them, dodging their attacks until they die.
  • Chick Magnet: A sidequest pits you against Hotto Doggo's six crazed fangirls.
  • Conscription: One quest involves a mother dog trying to send her son to Felingard, so Wolfen can't conscript him into the army. Unfortunately, the little pup doesn't want to leave his home.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Or Cathulhu, as he is here called. He lives in the ocean near Lupus, but he's no small fry.
  • Distant Sequel: The landscape has changed a lot since "the Drakoth incident", and the only characters who mention the latter are immortals.
  • Double Entendre: Pound Town? Really?
  • Fantastic Caste System: In Lupus, there are "collared" dogs and "collarless" dogs, and only the former are allowed to live in the capital.
  • Foil: The cats and dogs, obviously. Felingard is lush and green, home to the best armorsmith in the world; Lupus is arid and golden, home to the best weaponsmith in the world.
  • Foreshadowing: The first time you approach the Arcane Headpawters you'll overhear a couple of cat mages discussing the existence of multiple dimensions and universes.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: In theory, the protagonists are being hunted by Lupus and Felingard's kings. In practice, they can freely enter soldier barracks and flop down to sleep in capital cities with no problem at all.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: You are a cat, and to have any hope of finishing the game, you must move like one. Which gets even easier once the protagonists obtain the water-walking ability: enemies that can't fly will just follow you to the edge of the shore, trying uselessly to reach you. They're sitting ducks.
  • Interspecies Friendship: The first kings and their reincarnations, who you play as. Sometimes one has to pose as the prisoner of the other to get past particularly racist guards.
  • Magic Staff: A weapon category that conjures long-range spells that don't cost mana and generally home in on enemies on the general direction you're facing. Exactly what spell is created, how many orbs are shot, how fast they move and in some cases, in what direction they shoot, depends on which staff you've equipped.
  • Magic Versus Science: Cats were granted the gift of magic, dogs received science. Or they used to: right now the dogs don't have much of anything at all, and the cats only have one magician base left, and the current king is hell-bent on exterminating them.
  • Meaningful Look: The countries' barracks are located on opposite sides of an ocean, which is just thin enough that soldiers in one can see their counterparts in the other. Naturally, some NPC soldiers do nothing but contemplate their future enemies. (The others just don't say anything.)
  • Mercy Kill: The Twin Towns sidequest is given by a very glitchy NPC, who goes mad from the revelation that she's just a video game character. At this point, an Author Avatar shows up to comfort the NPC and take her home. You never see her again.
  • My Greatest Failure: Hotto never forgave himself for forging the Kingsblade, and thereby unintentionally sparking a war over who got to possess it.
  • My Girl Back Home: You meet an NPC who's waiting for her husband to return from the war.
  • Nerf: You don't regain as much mana for killing an enemy as you did in the first game.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: Subverted with the Mewlder Wand. It's a Disc-One Nuke which fires three shadow magic missiles with each standard attack, and has high magic power. The catch is that it decreases your maximum HP by 99%, on top of the fact that using a staff cuts your HP in half, and most enemies can kill you off in one hit in this state. Except you can easily increase your HP to an acceptable amount with the Chef Set, or wear heavy armor to act as a damage shield for your precious double-digit hit points.
  • Only Smart People May Pass: For example, the Tomb Of The Follower is impossible to complete unless you exploit an enemy's aggro range to lead him into the environmental hazards nearby. He can't be fought at all.
  • Rags to Royalty: Your protagonists don't even have rags at the beginning, they just fight in their underpants. But it is their destiny to rule over the vast countries of Felingard and Lupus.
  • Rightful King Returns: At the beginning of the game, Kirry explains to the amnesiac main characters that Lioner and Wolfen have ursurped their thrones as Kings and Kirry will help restore them to power. it turns out this is all a lie. The main characters are Lioner and Wolfen from an alternate dimension, summoned by Kirry to stop the war the kings of this dimension are waging on each other.
  • Shoot the Messenger: Lampshaded. After an illusionary "fight" against Wolfen, a dog soldier shows up to tell you that the true Wolfen is long gone, and how gullible his master thinks you are. After reciting all that, the soldier weakly begs you not to kill him. You can leave him alone, subverting the trope, but if you walk too close to him, he will attack. Then it's up to you whether you want to run away (he won't follow) or respond to his violence in kind.
  • Shout-Out:
    • One to Harry Potter with the mage questline, where you're initially tasked with finding the Invisibility Fur Coat from the Ancient Mage, who turns out to be an evil mage named Furindelmeow (Grindelwald) who was imprisoned by his friend Mewmblepaw (Dumbledore) after he suggested they retaliate against the oppressive non-mage townscats by trapping them in another dimension. Both a reward from said questline and a treasure from a golden chest that's near the Arcane Headpawters are references to the Elder Wand (the Mewlder Wand and the Elder Stick respectively).
    • Agent Triple Mewoh Seven, an enemy you fight in one of the side quests, is a pretty obvious one to James Bond.
    • The "Doge" Knight is basically that world's Batman. You can even get his costume as equipment and access to his secret Bat Cave.
    • You can find an injured soldier in a cave saying that he should have listened, and that it was indeed dangerous to go alone. You can find another dog in a town nearby mention that the soldier should've listened and take the sword he was offering him.
    • During one side quest with Kit Cat her blueprint has been stolen by a gang of Ninjas. You eventually need to obtain the password to get into their secret hideout. What's the password? Meowruto.
  • Treacherous Quest Giver: In true Cat Quest style. Of course, when the lady giving you a quest is named after monsieur Jekyll, it's not much of a surprise. (You have to do it anyway to get the 'all quests completed' achievement.)
  • Top-Heavy Guy: Dragons move solely by flying; if a dragon has legs, they are invariably shriveled and still.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Kit Cat and Hotto Doggo used to smith together, but then after forging the Kingsblade together and inadvertently starting the war, Hotto felt so guilty he ran away and Kit Cat now hates him for leaving her.
  • World of Pun: The script is littered with cat and dog puns, depending on where you happen to be exploring at the moment.
