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Unprovoked Pervert Payback / Video Games

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Unprovoked Pervert Paybacks in Video Games.

  • Fire Emblem:
    • Fire Emblem: Awakening has the female Avatar attack Chrom after walking in on him bathing, although she did refrain from doing it when the situation was reversed previously. To be fair, she acknowledges the attack was unprovoked and sincerely apologizes.
    • In Fire Emblem Fates, you can build a bathhouse in your castle. Every time the Avatar enters, there's a chance they'll accidentally walk in on someone of the opposite gender, prompting this trope. But as far as the player can see, there isn't any sign indicating that the bathhouse is in use, much less by a specific gender.
  • Persona:
    • The school camping trip scene in Persona 4 contains this trope, while Yosuke at least can be blamed for both hitting on Chie and Yukiko and calling them childish, the player character can actually be more complimentary in a way that can get on one of the girl's good side. Regardless you're given the options of agreeing that Chie and Yukiko are "fine" or disagreeing, it's a lose-lose situation because no matter what you're pushed OFF A CLIFF, into freezing water. The real kicker is that Kanji, who really said nothing the whole scene is pushed into the water because he gets a nosebleed, thus he must be punished because nosebleeds are only caused by perverted thoughts and not at all by Chie kicking him in the face hard enough to knock him unconscious the previous night.
    • Persona 3 and 4 have other instances of this trope involving hot springs which is even worse because it usually has to do with the girls getting the time schedules mixed up or some other wacky misunderstanding that is exclusively their fault. Of course, they always blame the guys for being lecherous little schemers even though, with the exception of Yosuke and Junpei, they don't really care and just want to relax in the springs.
    • Persona 4: The Animation at least has Yukiko realize in the middle of the misunderstanding SHE messed up with the schedules, but she continues insulting the guys anyway. Yukiko is possibly the nicest, most sensible girl in the cast. By comparison, in the game, she realizes after the fact, but the others decide not to tell anyone.
    • Persona 4 also has a moment when the characters are discussing an upcoming exam. Yosuke is in need of a tutor, so he asks the hard-working and intelligent Yukiko for some "private lessons". She then slaps him.
      Yukiko: were talking about studying?
    • However, in that case, Yukiko is portrayed as misinterpreting romantic overtures (she had been harassed by a lot of guests to the hotel recently), so while it is sort of a case of this, she actually did think he was hitting on her, and apologizes when she realizes what he meant. And the fact that the phrase "private lessons" can be interpreted as a Double Entendre did not help Yosuke's case, as Chie points out when Yosuke blames Chie for bringing this up.
    • In Persona 3, it's implied that Junpei and Ryoji deliberately came at the time when the hot springs switch from guys only to girls only so they could get a look at the girls, and claim that they didn't know when it switched over.
    • In Persona 5 Strikers, the Phantom Thieves go to the same spa resort as the SEES team. When the boys hang out in the baths a little too long and realize the girls have shown up during the women hours, they quickly try to escape without being seen. Unfortunately for them, they are caught, accused of being perverts, and are quickly dealt an ice-cold glass of ass-whuppin' for an honest mistake.
  • In Resident Evil 4, Leon admittedly can purposefully look up Ashley's skirt when she's standing at the top of a ladder. However, it can also happen completely accidentally, even when Leon's clearly preoccupied, say, suplexing an enemy. But Ashley will still shriek at him that he's a pervert.
  • Sunrider 4: The Captain's Return subverts this trope in Ava Crescentia's ending. When Kayto accidentally walks in on Ava while she's in a nightgown, he apologizes immediately, clearly expecting her to yell at him or make him fill out sexual harassment paperwork. But to his surprise, she lets it slide and invites him to join her for a drink.
  • An optional scene in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World has Emil, a Shrinking Violet, bathing alone in thermal waters. While he's there, Genki Girl and openly in love for him Marta enters the bath, which causes him to scream in surprise. Upon hearing him, the entire playable cast of the first game but Lloyd come checking out what's going on. Despite all of them knowing how Emil and Marta are, they all instantly start berating Emil and calling him a pervert, and when Marta tries to say that, yes, she was the one that entered the bath and the perverted one, they tell her to shut up and not make excuses for Emil. Yes, even the cool and rational Regal, Presea and Raine instantly believe the shy guy tried to sneak into the bath of the energetic girl and not the other way around and that's totally why he was the one that screamed! And just to drive the point home, the only one that believes Emil is Lloyd, and that's because Lloyd got caught in two Accidental Pervert moments and considers this to be the same. Except in those cases, Lloyd DID look like a pervert, unlike with Emil where it's just absurd. Ironically, save for Zelos, who of course gives him kudos, the rational and mellow ones are the most upset, where Sheena, who's been peeped on before by Zelos, and usually gets pissed off from that sort of thing, simply says you can't blame him for his hormones, and Genis, instead of making a smart remark about what an immature horndog he is, is just amazed at how badly he supposedly wanted to bathe with her. Kind of feels like an out-of-character moment for everyone save Lloyd, Zelos, and those two.
