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Tropers / Spam Warrior 3000

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Schizophrenic former hairdresser and married mother of two, Spam Warrior 3000 resides in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, in a house with her family, two roommates, and a small herd of cats. (Her children say she really is the Crazy Cat Lady.)

She's fond of a number of fandoms, including but not limited to The Dresden Files, The X Files, Heroes, Shaun of the Dead, Tolkien, various incarnations of Star Trek, Doctor Who (currently nursing a renewed crush on the Eighth Doctor), and has a guilty fondness for even some of Ron Howard's flops. She lurked here and contributed anonymously for months before deciding she might as well break down and make herself known. She's even founded a trope, WTH, Casting Agency?.

Some tropes associated with her include:
