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Tropers / Rinoreiri

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And here it is. The page nobody's looking for.... Mine.

Right! Down to business...

This is my page. I don't know why I made it, but it's here now, and it's going to stay for a while.

I got bored one day and decided to click on a little blue link. I've been silently gathering information ever since, and I've found myself going on far too many Wiki Walks lately.

As soon as I find something to contribute to, I'll get on it.

     Tropes associated with Rinoreiri 

Also while I run track. My face is described as 'angry'.

  • Good Is Not Nice - It's scary to some people when I get mad.

  • Nice Guys Finish Last - Averted. While I may not always come in first, I don't ever come in last in anything because of my decisions to be nice.

  • One Mario Limit - I'm the only person named "Rinoreiri". Look that name up, and it's me.

People also thought that I was 17-20 when I was 13. The ages varied, but people never got it right, always a few years forward.

Who reads this, anyways?

Nobody, that's who.
