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Trivia / The Dead Pool

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  • Beam Me Up, Scotty!: Dirty Harry did, in fact say "Opinions are like assholes: everybody has one." He did not, however offer any additional commentary regarding said orifices (e.g.: regarding the smell).
  • Box Office Bomb: Budget: $31 million. Gross: $37,903,295.
  • Completely Different Title: Sala de Espera al Infierno (Hell's Waiting Room) in Latin America.
  • Franchise Killer: This was the lowest-grossing film in the series, and also its last entry.
  • Hey, It's That Place!: When Molly Fisher's body is being taken out of her house, it is the same place that was used in Clint Eastwood's directorial debut Play Misty for Me.
  • No Stunt Double: Evan C. Kim did all of his own stunts, including the martial-arts fighting.
  • One for the Money; One for the Art: The film came about when Warner Bros. greenlit and financed Clint Eastwood's pet project, Bird. Eastwood, returning the favor to the studio, agreed to make a film for them that would be commercial and carry box-office weight. Warner Bros. suggested another Dirty Harry movie.
  • Prop Recycling: Early in the movie, Harry walks past a series of memorial plaques to police officers of San Francisco killed in the line of duty. They are the same plaques featured in the opening of the first film.
