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Trivia / So I Married an Axe Murderer

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  • Acting for Two: Charlie and Stuart MacKenzie are both played by Mike Myers.
  • Box Office Bomb: Budget: $20 million. Box office: $11,585,483.
  • Completely Different Title: The translation of the French title is When Harriet Axes Charlie...
  • Corpsing: Tony attempts to maintain a semblance of concern for William's mental well being when Stuart berates William over the size of his head, but very quickly falls out and is nearly crying by the end.
  • Defictionalization: Almost thirty years after release, Mike Myers is making a movie based on Stuart's Pentaverate conspiracy theory, about the five people who secretly control the world. He will be playing all five.
  • Playing Against Type: Mike Myers as a Straight Man rather than his typical brand of self-aware large hams. In a more meta sense, it's also one of his more memorable film roles not to get turned into a Cash-Cow Franchise.
  • Romance on the Set: Nancy Travis and the film's producer Robert N. Fried, married after filming this movie.
  • Throw It In!: The moment where Tony laughs at Stuart's Colonel Sanders impression was not scripted. Anthony LaPaglia really did lose control and laughed at Mike Myers.
  • Wag the Director: There were stories in the press that Mike Myers' over-inflated ego forced extensive re-shoots on the film and that he tried to deny Robbie Fox credit for writing the film, sometimes locking himself in his trailer and refusing to work. On the set, director Thomas Schlamme said that he had his differences with Myers over how the film should be shaped. He said that Myers was "taking a stretch beyond his usual self and was playing outside himself. Personality clashes were bound to happen. We struggled". However, the director denied that Myers was a control freak and praised the "total commitment to his work. (But) yes, it was difficult".
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The male lead was originally written for Chevy Chase. Woody Allen also considered playing Charlie. Albert Brooks and Martin Short also considered the role but did not like the character.
    • Sharon Stone was initially set to play the role of Harriet Michaels, but wanted to perform a dual role and also play Rose Michaels. The studio denied her request and she pulled out of the film altogether. Kim Basinger was also offered the role.
  • Written by Cast Member: Mike Myers rewrote the script with Neil Mullarkey, an old friend from Britain. They changed the story and many of the comedic moments.

  • The butcher shop used for "Meats of the World" was Prudente Meats on Grant Avenue in the North Beach Section of San Francisco.
  • The final scenes were set in the East Oakland area at a place call Dunsmuir House, which is a Designated Historical Landmark by the city of Oakland.
  • Charlie's parents subscribe to Weekly World News, which was a real paper that ran bizarre stories and one of the best tabloids to ever grace a supermarket checkout line (doubly so for those who don't care for celebrity news). In truth, it was really a comedy magazine that was marketed as a supermarket tabloid.
