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Trivia / Kaitou Saint Tail

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  • Creator-Driven Successor: Mink revisits a number of themes from the series, including the psychological effects of the Secret-Identity Identity problem on a Magical Girl, its impact on her ability to form meaningful relationships, and what happens when people who crave acceptance from others choose less-than-ideal ways of filling the void. Its protagonists Mink and Motoharu are obvious Contrasting Sequel Main Characters to Meimi and Asuka Jr., with Tachikawa even drawing a picture of Mink and Meimi together at one point.
  • Dueling Shows: Phantom Thief Jeanne, another take on the "Magical Girl meets Phantom Thief" premise, came out four years later, although both came out about the same time in North America.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The manga has been out of print in English for over a decade. Tokyopop's license for the anime likewise expired in the late 2000s, with Discotek Media's rescue coming at an opportune time, as the Tokyopop DVDs had reportedly begun to experience disc rot.
  • No Export for You: Averted for the most part, but the English dub stopped at episode 15. Nobody knows why. The same goes with the Latin American Spanish dub past episode 40. See below for details.
  • Overtook the Manga: The anime was produced while the second half of the manga was still in serialization and thus paces the manga's second half with a number of Filler episodes sandwiched in between. Unusually for an anime adaptation of its time, it still opted to continue adapting the manga's content to the very end anyway, resulting in both of them having the same ending at the same time.
  • Troubled Production: In Latin America and just like the Case Closed dub, the series was dubbed by the same voice acting studio (VDI - Point.360 in Los Angeles, CA), except this time, the problems went up to eleven this time and with lifetime consequences: Roberto Colucci, the voice director of the first ten episodes, died and there were a very nasty Succession Crisis for the job between two others: Victor Mares Jr. and the late Carlos Carrillo (both voiced Daiki Asuka Jr.). After a very tense situation, the dub was at last directed by a very different person (Erika Araujo), but she only directed the 40th episode because the voice actors quit, leaving the dub unfinished to the date. Due to this, it also derailed the career of one of the voice actors of the series and a very veteran one (Guillermo Romano, a very well known voice actor famous for voicing Batman, Inspector Gadget, and many others) causing him to retire from voice acting definitively.
  • Unfinished Dub: Tokyo Pop for whatever reason only dubbed 15 of the 43 episodes.
  • What Could Have Been: Tachikawa considered making a sequel in 2004, but by that point she had left Nakayoshi and had her attempt at making an "unofficial" one shut down by Kodansha. An actual Sequel Series featuring an entirely different cast was released later in 2021 by a different author, Shiki Yamori, but only lasted 4 chapters.
