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Tear Jerker / Masters of the Universe

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  • Near the beginning of the film, Skeletor's troops can be seen taking several Eternian soldiers' captive. The vast majority of the Eternian troops didn't fare as well. As they were slaughtered by Skeletor's forces thanks to this portal creating key.
  • Julie telling Kevin about how her parents died, and her earlier decision to leave California to get away from her past.
  • Several modern reviews have noted a tragic quality to Skeletor, particularly when he gets everything he wants.
    But the moment that seals it, for me, is when Skeletor asks He-Man, "Tell me about the loneliness of good, He-Man. Is it equal to the loneliness of evil?" This strange moment of vulnerability—of Skeletor admitting that, despite being so close to achieving his wildest dreams, he’s lonely—is the key to the whole performance. What has he sacrificed—-besides, obviously, his face—-in his struggle to take over Eternia?
  • Evil-Lyn shapeshifting into Julie's dead mother to trick her.
  • Kevin and Julie's goodbyes to the Eternians were sweet and not as cheesy as they could have been.
    Julie: He Man, Teela, Man-At-Arms...
    Teela: Don't say goodbye. Say Good Journey.
    Duncan: It is an old Eternian saying. Live the journey, for every destination is but a doorway to another.
    Julie: ...Good Journey.
