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Sandbox / Old Dog Wick Check

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The Issue: Not only does Old Dog have a comparatively low wick count at 108 (including this wick check), but as discussed in the Chairs thread, the trope in its current state amounts to "old dogs exist in fiction" with no meaning being conveyed. The fact that it doesn't even have a Laconic page is suspect of this as well because it implies that the Main page also functions as the trope in a nutshell. Other tropers have suggested tightening the trope's scope to either: "the loyal old dog who waits for his master/lies down to die on his grave"; or a dog or other pet getting on in years and not moving about as much as they used to, if at all.

Due to the Chairs nature of the trope, I hypothesise that most of the examples I find in this wick check will be of the zero-context variety.

Wicks checked: 50/50. For the purposes of this wick check, I'm counting both examples from Characters.Lady And The Tramp as a single wick.

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    Meaningful Old Dogs (8/50, 16%) 
  • Characters.Jojos OC Tournament T 5: 7 years is a pretty senior age for a dog, and the fact Cosmo is generally tired of life and has a smoking habit only further exacerbates his old looks. His age appears to signify his jaded characterisation.
  • Characters.The Secret Life Of Pets: He's getting on in years and grizzled, but still has what it takes, both to survive and to tutor Max. Rooster comes across in this example as an "old master" mentor to the main character. Meaningful, but should be expanded upon for clarity.
  • ComicBook.Laika: Gertruda is a smart, scruffy old stray dog who befriends Kudryavka. She's smart enough to not be tempted by food from those she knows will try to catch her. Links the character's age to her characterisation.
  • Literature.Chicken Chicken: One of the store owners in Crystal's town, Mr. Horace, owned an old hound that was very lazy and looked as if he owned the town. During the egg fight between Cole and Anthony, the dog just lay in the street and hardly paid attention to the event unfolding in front of him. Even when Anthony drops the egg on the ground and trips over the dog, the animal hardly notices and simply began licking egg yolk off the ground. Notes how the dog's age has led to action-ignorant lethargy, giving events as evidence.
  • Literature.Star Trek Enterprise Relaunch: By Rise of the Federation, lovable old Porthos is... well, old. Archer is increasingly forced to realise even with 22nd century medicine he won't have his furry friend around much longer. Relevant to a potential tear-jerking moment in the work tied to an application of its sci-fi context.
  • Literature.Sword Of The Rightful King: Arthur has an old white brachet hound. She has been with him since he was a young boy and now spends most of her time dozing at his feet. She still has enough pep to defend her master from bandits, but at the cost of her own life. Old and therefore lethargic, but is there when it counts. Meaningful but could be refined.
  • Literature.The Sunne In Splendour: Gareth is given to Richard when the dog is just a puppy and Richard is still a boy. But time passes, and Richard and Anne, now adults, find the old dog's passing sorrowful. Refers to a tear-jerking moment. Meaningful, but could be refined depending on what happens to the trope.
  • Manga.Dog Signal: Ribbon the Giant Poodle is one as she's 12 years old by the time she was introduced in the manga. Chapters that feature her and her owner involves the owner doing his best to keep Ribbon active and healthy for as long as possible before she eventually passes on from aging, and also speak of possible issues that an aging dog may experience in contrast to its younger compatriots. When I first checked this wick, the second sentence didn't exist and the example was therefore Chairs. However, it now gives a meaningful application of the trope because it's linked to the other characters caring for her.
    Old Dogs Sitting on Chairs (17/50, 34%) 
  • Anime.The Kindly Lion: Due to the different aging rate between a lion and a dog, Muku-muku becomes an old dog by the time Buru-Buru grows up to become an adult lion. She's notably skinnier, slower paced, relaxed, and has wrinkles around her face. Weblink aside, not meaningful use since it only describes the character's appearance.
  • Characters.Adventure Time Multiverse: Jake is still alive by the time of Fionna and Cake, but is now very old and lethargic. He's so wrinkly that Cake's paw print stays on his head for hours, tipping off Scarab that Fionna and Cake had been to the house. Describes charcteristics, therefore not meaningful use. The fact that this becomes an in-universe clue comes off as irrelevant to the trope in its current state.
  • Characters.Animaniacs Slappy Squirrel: He is a dog who is apparently old enough to be a grandfather. Only says he's old and nothing else.
  • Characters.Earthbound Beginnings: According to Encyclopedia MOTHER, Mick was one year, five months old when Ninten was born, making him about thirteen years old during the events of the game. Seems to be the result of calculating his age based on how old Ninten is. Above the average life expectancy for dogs, but no meaning is conveyed. Also, I'm not sure if the source referenced is reliable.
  • Characters.F Is For Family Murphy Family: He's at least over ten, as he was a puppy when Kevin was a toddler. Another calculation result. Meaningless otherwise.
  • Characters.King Of The Hill The Hills Family And Other Relatives: She was brought home as a puppy before Bobby was conceived, meaning she's at least 14 years old by the show's end. This puts her right at the tail end of a bloodhound's lifespan, which averages 10-12 years. Yet another meaningless calculation.
  • Characters.Lady And The Tramp: Scratchy and Sparky are the eldest dogs in the gang. Just says that they're older than everyone else. (Also on the page concerning a different character — He always likes telling one of his old stories. ZCE because it refers to a character trait without clearly explaining that he's old himself.)
  • Characters.One Piece Blue Seas: He's 12-years-old, which corresponds to 84 dog years, although he doesn't look that old. Just says how old he is, even if looks deceive.
  • Characters.Poke Fiends: Well beyond her years of battling now. Just says she's gotten old.
  • Characters.Survivor Dogs: He's an old dog that's lived most of his life alone on the streets. Just says he's old.
  • Characters.The Roman Mysteries: Flavia notes he's getting on in years, especially when compared to the puppies. Just says he's old in comparison to other dog characters.
  • Characters.Warrior Cats Others: He is quite old, and is shown to walk slowly when his owner calls him. Uses an action as evidence, but just to say that he's old.
  • Literature.Castaways Of The Flying Dutchman: Ned's several centuries old, although he doesn't age. Just states that the dog is old despite not aging.
  • Literature.The Odyssey: Argos, who dies at an age of at least 20 years. Just gives a name and states how old the dog was when he died. Further investigation reveals that this is connected to a heartwarming reunion, but the example as is doesn't make that clear.
  • Manga.How To Keep A Mummy: Surprisingly, Pochi is one. She's revealed to actually be fifty years old, and has a lifespan of at least 100 years. Aayan is also technically this, as he's a living Anubis statue that was found in an antique shop. Again, just gives evidence for the characters being old.
  • VideoGame.Farnham Fables: Barnabas, the Edison family's dog, is an elderly bloodhound who can be found lazing at the stables in episodes 2 and 3. Just says that the dog is old with a description to support this.
  • VideoGame.The Testament Of Sherlock Holmes: Toby is said to be old. Just says the dog is seen as old within the narrative.
    ZCE (8/50, 16%) 
    Unclear Use (3/50, 6%) 
  • Main.Elderly Ailment Rambling: In "Grandpa Bernie Cleans Up", an Old Dog named Candy complains that she's too "achy" to dig or play due to her old age. No clear reference is made to the example's narrative relevance.
  • Characters.Spy X Family Forger Family And Associates: Noted to be a bit long in the tooth. During the dog competition with Handler, he's visibly winded after running a course for two minutes, whereas Handler's dog completed the same course in under 40 seconds and looked perfectly fine. Compares his athletic ability to that of another canine character, but it's not clear if this is meaningful to the storytelling.
  • Film.Quiz Lady: Mr. Linguini, the sisters' dognote  is a 20-year-old pug. While he spends most of his time sleeping, Anne deeply loves him and considers him her only friend and main source of emotional support, and is distraught when he is kidnapped for ransom. Doesn't seem relevant to the example's point.
    Potholes (6/50, 12%) 
    Other (8/50, 16%) 
  • Main.Aging Tropes: A dog who is getting on in years. Index.
  • Main.Old Dog: The trope's Main page. The trope description lists traits associated with old dogs, but I personally see no clear narrative meaning behind them.
  • Main.This Index Barks: A dog who's getting on in years. Index.
  • Characters.Heartstopper Protagonists: Our second main protagonist, a Year 11 and Love Interest of Charlie. He is a big-hearted Lovable Jock with shades of Dumb Blonde. He also owns an Old Dog named Nellie. One of only two mentions Nellie has on the page.
  • Characters.Tenchu Stealth Assassins: If it is the same Semimaru, he had been assisting the Azuma for decades, as he appears in Tenchu Z with the use of the dog bone. Speculative Troping as it relies on the assumed idea that the Semimaru in one game is the same as the Semimaru in a different game in the same series.
  • GetAStupidAnswer.Western Animation: You can't teach an Old Dog new tricks. Link to the trope title in a Just for Fun page.
  • ImageSource.Animated Films: States the source media for the Main page image.
  • WarriorCats.Tropes N To T: In The Rise of Scourge, an old dog called Sam is sleeping in an alley. Tiny is afraid it'll eat him, but it's too old to chase him, and it loses a tooth as it gets up. As Tiny tries to use the tooth to get his collar off, it gets stuck, and then he claims he got it by killing a dog. So it's thanks to Sam the Old Dog that Tiny became Scourge, leader of BloodClan. Goes off on an irrelevant tangent about Sam's role in the narrative.
