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Recap / The Real Ghostbusters S 7 E 3 Attack Of The B Movie Monsters

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A forklift truck in Japan drives film reels past a stockade full of vats of toxic goo. Some of the film reels fall into the goo, which then converges with some ectoplasm, and then it seeps into the sewers. Nearby, a boy named Kenji is bullied at school. The bullies toss Kenji's hat into the river, where the ectoplasm and poison shows up and ends up in a fishing net at Tokyo Bay. A giant seaweed monster emerges from it, which attacks the fishermen, and Kenji identifies it as "Nori-ra".

The Ghostbusters and Slimer then arrive at Tokyo, where an inspector shows them around and tells them about the monster. Meanwhile, Kenji tries to get their attention but is held back by the police. Ray thinks the monster's photograph looks familiar, but can't remember how. The inspector, Ogata, gives them a suped-up car called Ecto-Ichi, then they drive off, with Kenji following on a bike.

The guys get stuck in traffic and have trouble finding which button to press, eventually making the car fly, then they have trouble fighting Nori-ra. It seems to be immune to the proton streams, but when they increase the power, it works and Nori-ra disappears. Kenji catches up and reveals the monster's name to the guys, who Ray recognises as a character from a movie called Lizardo Meets Nori-Ra.

Then, a giant crab monster comes out of the ectoplasm and poison, and it takes a bit of effort, but the Ghostbusters vaporise it too, with Ray recognising it from another movie, Lizardo and the Crab Monster from Space. Winston is a bit nervous since Kenji revealed that there were twelve Lizardo movies and the proton packs have run out of charge. He then shows them the studio where the chemical reaction happened, and the Ghostbusters send Slimer out to the end of the slime trail. When he reaches it, he finds the next manifestation, Lizardo (a Godzilla-like beast) and warns the others. Lizardo appears near the studio, so they all run away and determine that they'll need a gigawatt of power to defeat him. Kenji suggests using the Tokyo Tower.

They modify the proton packs near the tower and attract Lizardo by blowing an air raid siren (because air raid sirens sound like the mating call of the females of his species). He gets bored, but Kenji keeps him around by teasing him through the loudspeaker, and eventually, he gets vaporised. As the Ghostbusters and Slimer go to leave, they, and Kenji, are hailed as heroes.

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