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Recap / The Afterparty S 02 E 10 Zoe And Vivian

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In a tale bouncing between campy horror and a 1980s soap opera, the killer is revealed.


  • Armor-Piercing Question: After the case is over, Aniq asks Danner “Why did you become a writer if your thing is Mind Movies?” This gives Danner the idea to go into the movie business.
  • Bait-and-Switch: The opening appears to be Zoe confessing to how she killed Edgar, complete with brushing off Aniq's horror with "no one liked him anyway." It turns out she actually thinks she killed Colonel (and it turns out he's still alive).
  • Bluffing the Murderer: As Danner has no direct evidence linking Ulysses to the poison, he thinks he's in the clear...until Vivian tests it by preparing to drink from the flask until Ulysses stops her.
  • Brick Joke: After two seasons of constantly being compared to Urkel, Aniq is thrown to see that in the movie based on Season 1, he's being played by Jaleel White. Oh, and he and Danner are engaged.
  • The Cameo: Plenty for the movie based on Danner's book about the Xavier murder:
  • Casting Gag: Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe have long been compared to one another due to a slight physical resemblance and headlining the popular fantasy franchises The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter respectively. In Danner's in-universe movie, Wood and Radcliffe finally act together. (And considering who they're playing, Wood gets to kill Radcliffe...)
  • The Dog Bites Back: Just as Ulysses is running down Feng as a "boring loser," Feng punches him in the face.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: It's when Isabel says Edgar "was the wrong target" that the truth finally hits Danner that Edgar wasn't the target at all. Then when Aniq says there was no motive for Grace, he realizes what happened.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: While not totally evil, it's obvious Ulysses honestly believes Vivian will give up her life and family to be with him as long as Feng is dead. That Vivian truly loves Feng and won't just fall for Ulysses again doesn't dawn on the latter.
  • For Your Own Good: His Motive Rant shows Ulysses truly believes Vivian is trapped in her marriage and he'd be doing her a favor freeing her for a life of excitement and romance, ignoring the tiny issue Vivian loves Feng more than she could ever love Ulysses.
  • Hidden Disdain Reveal: Ulysses’s Motive Rant shows just how much Ulysses truly disliked his half-brother and sees himself as better for Vivian.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: After making various investors think Edgar was still alive so he could sell off his assets, Sebastian is dumbfounded when Travis tells his Reddit group to invest in Edgar's cryptocurrency, causing the value to skyrocket way beyond what Sebastian sold it for.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After all his work pulling a scam to make more money off Edgar's death, Sebastian is rocked when Travis outwits him by getting his Reddit guys to buy up the cryptocurrency right after Sebastian sold it for 62 cents on the dollar. To top it off, Travis throws Sebastian's own words at him on "don't beat the house, become the house." So Sebastian ends up broke, fired and dumped.
  • Murder by Mistake: It turns out Ulysses was trying to kill Feng, but Edgar drank from the poisoned glass instead.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: For once, Travis shows he was this as he knew all along how to pronounce "Bucephalus" and was smart enough to direct his Reddit batch to invest in it and make a fortune that Sebastian lost out on.
  • Once More, with Clarity: We see a few more flashbacks from the night showcasing how Ulysses had been trying to poison Feng. Notably, we see his reaction when he hears someone screaming, assuming it's Vivian finding Feng's dead body but it's actually Grace with Edgar's corpse. Also, Danner replays Feng's frantic video of being up all night to show he had taken the glass of "uppers" meant for Isabel.
  • Out-Gambitted: Just as Sebastian thought he had made a bundle selling off the cryptocurrency, Travis told his Reddit group to invest in it, causing the stock to skyrocket to three times what Sebastian sold for. Isabel fires him on the spot.
  • Police Are Useless: Played with. Sherrif Reardon seems way too eager to arrest Grace just on Isabel's say-so and puts down Danner as "playing policeman." He seems thick-headed ignoring Danner and Aniq's detailed theory of Ulysses committing the crime, but does raise the correct point that it's all conjecture with no solid evidence. All that said, once Vivian gets Ulysses to confess, Reardon is quick to arrest the guy and did give Danner and Aniq a chance to relate their theory, so it's less he's incompetent and more just a bit in over his head.
  • Spotting the Thread: Ulysses claimed he was getting the glass for a paternity test but Aniq and Danner realized he was using a whiskey glass but Grace never drank whiskey so there was no reason why Ulysses would use that glass.
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: Zoe figures Danner and Aniq already figured out she killed Colonel. They decide not to reveal they suspected Zoe killed Edgar.
