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Recap / Sponge Bob Square Pants S 11 E 8 Sanitation Insanity Bunny Hunt

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Sanitation Insanity

Original air date: 5/7/2018 (produced in 2017)

When Mr. Krabs gets in trouble for littering, he makes SpongeBob and Squidward clean up Bikini Bottom.

"Sanitation Insanity" contains examples of:

  • An Aesop: Cleanliness is a personal responsibility and throw your trash properly.
  • Creepy Doll: The doll SpongeBob and Squidward find in the garbage.
  • Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: When the wind is blowing in SpongeBob's holes, it whistles the last few notes of the theme song.
  • Don't Call Me "Sir": The trash inspectors say this to Mr. Krabs.
  • Go Fetch: Squidward does this to distract Patrick so he and SpongeBob can take his trash.
  • Humongous Mecha: The garbage truck turns into this that Squidward uses to battle Patrick in.
  • Iris Out: The episode ends on one.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After putting his community service onto SpongeBob and Squidward, the trash inspectors catch Mr. Krabs throwing trash at SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward, and they have to pick up trash on the highway as punishment. However...
    • Karma Houdini: Patrick isn't seen picking up trash with SpongeBob, Squidward or Mr. Krabs, so he basically got off scot-free for his actions.
  • The Last Straw: When Squidward and SpongeBob are trying to stuff all the garbage into an overfilled bag, a customer throws his empty cup into the trash, causing the bag to explode and send trash flying everywhere.
  • Not This One, That One: When the trash inspector points to the vehicle Mr. Krabs will use to collect trash.
    Trash Inspector: Your sentence is to collect all the garbage in Bikini Bottom using that. (points to a baby in a carriage) Uh...that one. (points to a garbage truck)
  • Platonic Kissing: SpongeBob kisses Squidward on the nose at one point, much to the latter's disgust.
  • Shout-Out: The old talking doll SpongeBob finds in this garbage is a reference to the The Twilight Zone (1959) episode "Living Doll", along with the musical stings.
  • Transformation Sequence: SpongeBob and Squidward turn their garbage truck into a Humongous Mecha, parodying the usage of such in anime.

Bunny Hunt

Original air date: 3/30/2018 (produced in 2017)

A sea bunny ravages Squidward's garden, but SpongeBob thinks it's cute.

"Bunny Hunt" contains examples of:

  • An Aesop: Don't bring wild animals into your home, no matter how cute they are.
  • Canon Immigrant: Bunny Wunny first appeared in the online Web Game SpongeStar PatrickPants before debuting in the main series.
  • Explosive Breeder: Not long after being given a mate, Bunny Wunny and the female bunny produce dozens of bunny children.
  • Fire-Breathing Diner: Happens to Bunny Wunny and SpongeBob as a result of eating hot sauce.
  • Funny Background Event: After animal control arrives, Patrick can be seen sitting in the back of the truck.
  • Gross-Up Close-Up: Of Gary's food, which has a disembodied human ear and finger in it, complete with the sound of a woman Screaming at Squick.
  • Iris Out: How the episode ends.
  • Jerkass: Bunny Wunny takes a lot of sadistic pleasure in tormenting Squidward...
  • Karma Houdini: ...and doesn't pay at all for it.
  • Left the Background Music On: After the two sea bunnies fall in love, they start dancing to tango music and the camera pans over to SpongeBob playing the accordion.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • SpongeBob has this reaction when Bunny Wunny is about to destroy his comic book collection.
    • How Squidward responds to a seemingly endless army of sea bunnies invading his garden and his house.
  • Sanity Slippage: After being surrounded by hundreds of bunnies and his house being destroyed, Squidward goes insane and declares that he's a bunny now while hopping away from animal control.
  • Shock and Awe: The sea bunny electrocutes himself when chewing the wires in the TV.
  • Spoonerism: "One more step, and I will spit you on a roast, I mean roast you on a spit!"
  • Swapped Roles: Squidward and Bunny Wunny essentially swap positions in life by the end, when Squidward's house is destroyed and replaced with a mass of bunny babies: Squidward goes insane, becomes part-bunny and escapes the exterminator while Bunny Wunny becomes much more cranky and plays Squidward's clarinet.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: The girl sea bunny has eyelashes and a bow.
  • Tickle Torture: The sea bunny briefly does this to Squidward.
  • Troublemaking New Pet: Right after SpongeBob adopts Bunny Wunny, he completely trashes SpongeBob's living room.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: To Looney Tunes, specifically the Bugs Bunny cartoons.
