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Recap / Sailor Moon S Ep 17 The Bond Of Destiny Uranuss Distant Past

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"Haruka and Michiru are such a beautiful couple. I wonder what their first meeting was like. It must have been special. Haruka did say she considers Michiru to be more than just her girlfriend. I WONDER IF THAT MEANS THEY'RE-AGH!! Okay, let's not get too excited here. Give them room or else, In the Name of the Moon, I'll punish you!”
Usagi Tsukino

(CWi Episode: "Related By Destiny")

Haruka recalls her past as an aspiring racer that was forced to reconsider her life's direction after a fellow racer, who happens to be Eudial's next victim in the present, introduced her to the elegant but ominous artist who would one day become her life-long partner.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Accidental Pervert: Elsa only pinched Makoto and Minako's butts to analyze their physical qualities and athletic skills. That still doesn't stop the girls from being creeped out by the gesture.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Elsa Gray is shown with amber brown skin and her name suggests that she's non-Japanese.
  • …And That Little Girl Was Me: While they're along on a cruise ship, Michiru casually mentions how there's a girl at her school who wants to hang out with Haruka and feel the hair in her wind as she drives in her car. After defeating their first Daimon, Michiru admits that it's her. She's the girl who wants to be with Haruka.
  • Bathos: The fiendish talented Professor Tomoe comes up with an idea to target an athlete all while running a treadmill.
    Professor Tomoe: Note to self. Don't run and cackle.
  • Book Ends: The story begins with Haruka driving while narrating her life as an artistic sketch of her becoming the wind is shown. The same sketch appears in the end as Haruka narrates her acceptance of her destined mission while driving her car alongside Michiru.
  • Breaking the Fellowship: Played for Laughs. Usagi threatens to break up her friendship with Rei after another mean comment only for the Rei to agree to it while walking along. Neither her nor Usagi take the break up seriously.
  • Byronic Hero: A romanticist example. Haruka describes her past self as someone who never wanted to be tied down by responsibilities and wanted to live the best carefree life as possible.
  • Can't Refuse the Call Anymore: After hearing Neptune confess her love for her and seeing first-hand how painful her new life as a Sailor Guardian is, Haruka decides to stop running and accepts her destiny as Sailor Uranus.
  • A Day In The Lime Light: The focus is primarily on Sailor Uranus as she reflects on her past and how she accepted her destiny with the help of Sailor Neptune.
  • Don't Touch It, You Idiot!: Just as Haruka is about to reach for her transformation stick, Sailor Neptune tells her not to touch it, warning her of the heavy responsibilities that she'd be forced to accept as a result.
  • Dub-Induced Plotline Change: In the Cloverway dub, Michelle doesn’t confess to Amara for obvious reasons, instead telling her cousin that she wanted her to choose for herself whether to accept her destiny rather than be forced into it in a moment of desperation.
  • Everyone Laughs Ending: Haruka and Michiru have a good laugh after Haruka suggests that they ride all night long.
  • Evil Laugh Turned Coughing Fit: Professor Tomoe launches in an evil laugh as he exercises on his treadmill, and soon begins coughing and wheezing from how out of breath he is while running.
  • Face–Monster Turn: A schoolboy who appeared in one of Haruka's races is turned into a grotesque worm-like Daimon who attacks her.
  • Friendless Background: During Michiru's violin performance, a rich couple gossips about her being very lonely because she doesn't like to bond with other people.
  • Friendship Moment: After Usagi admits that she needs to study harder to get into a good school, the other girls assure her that she can do it and that they'll support her. Rei even admits that she isn't stupid and that she needs to focus more.
  • Goal in Life:
    • In her opening narration, Haruka professes that she once dreamed of becoming the wind itself.
    • Before accepting her destiny of saving the world, Michiru reveals that she once dreamed of being a world-traveling violinist.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Neptune confesses that she's fallen in love with Haruka for her honest personality and independent spirit. Because of this, she tried to stop her from becoming a Sailor Guardian who had to suffer like her.
  • I Regret Nothing: In the end, Haruka has made peace with accepting her difficult mission as she was able to meet with Michiru and stay by her side.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Ami tries to cheer up Usagi by reminding her that she can go to any school she wants to as long as she passes the entrance exam. This causes the bunhead to freeze up over the impossible feat she'd have to accomplish via studying.
  • It Amused Me: Despite being incredibly talented at any sport that involved running or going fast, Haruka admits that she only participated in those sports to pass the time and have fun.
  • It Runs in the Family: The one time Cloverway uses the cousins edit divorced from the context of romance. Elsa states that Amara and Michelle’s family has a lot of talent running through its gene pool.
  • It Sucks to Be the Chosen One: Michiru vents to an unwilling Haruka that she had her own dreams and saving the world from an apocalyptic future as a Magical Girl Warrior was not one of them. She even professes that many of her dreams have become unfulfilled because of her new mission.
  • Mood Whiplash: There's an ominous mood as the Mad Scientist assigns his head witch to go after an athlete while entrusting her with another Daimon. It then shows Eudial driving out of a zoo where an elephant has to back up before being run over.
  • Mythology Gag: The Daimon that possesses an unfortunate schoolboy in Haruka's past resembles the original Daimon design from the manga.
  • The Needs of the Many: Sailor Neptune warns the racer that the Silence is approaching which will guarantee more casualties She uses this argument so she can finish off the Daimon, regardless if he was once human.
  • One Degree of Separation: Elsa confesses to the Inner girls that she once had a rival runner who always managed to beat her in track but suddenly quit competing.
  • Origins Episode: The episode goes into detail with Haruka and Michiru's first meeting and how the former accepted her destiny as a Sailor Guardian.
  • Portent of Doom: Before her awakening, Haruka used to have visions of the upcoming Silence along with a mysterious, but beautiful, Guardian in a pretty sailor uniform telling her about their mission to find the Messiah.
  • Refusal of the Call: After realizing who Michiru was the moment she saw her, Haruka made every effort to avoid her knowing that accepting her would change Haruka's life forever.
    Amara:(Cloverway) Just because we’re family, doesn’t mean we agree.
  • Screw Destiny: Haruka goes into the defensive after Michiru insists that she is also a Guardian who needs to accept her calling to stop the future Silence.
    Haruka: The only vision I have is becoming a professional racecar driver. I live in the present and I don't give a damn how the world is going to end. But if you want to save humanity then go do it. Knock yourself out. And stop nosing around in my personal life already.
  • Shout-Out: In the Cloverway dub, Amara prefaces her question to Michelle on the latter being The Pollyanna with “Riddle me this, Batman.” Michelle for her part, answers the question by stating “There’s more to me than meets the eye”.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Elsa was a one-time anime only Victim of the Week, but it's because of her that she introduced Haruka to Michiru in this adaptation of Sailor Moon.
  • Spooky Painting: One of Michiru's paintings features a tsunami ravaging an unlucky city at night. According to her, it's a vision based on the upcoming apocalypse.
  • Super-Speed: Professor Tomoe gifts Eudial the speed demon Daimon, Hurdle, who has the uncanny ability to run at impressive speeds. That said...
    Sailor Uranus: Nice try, but you can't run from me. I'm as fast as the wind.
  • Taking the Bullet: Neptune manages to push Haruka out of the way from the original Daimon's attack which gives her serious wounds on her hand and body.
  • Transformation Sequence: The Outer Guardians reveal their transformation sequences after shouting the phrases "Uranus/Neptune Planet Power, Make Up!"
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In the flashback, Haruka tears into Michiru for using excessive force against a little kid.
