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Recap / Ready Jet Go S 2 E 3 Asteroid Belt Space Race Sydney 2

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Air date: June 27, 2018

Asteroid Belt Space Race

Celery and Zucchini finally have the rematch race they promised to have a few months ago. The course is around the Asteroid Belt. This time, Eggplant and Zerk join in.
  • Artificial Gravity: The Anti-Gravity Fluxinator takes away gravity from the other saucers and adds it to Eggplant's saucer.
  • The Big Race: The episode has Celery and the kids racing against both Zucchini and Eggplant & Zerk.
  • Buffy Speak: "Potato-race-thingy".
  • Compressed Hair: Eggplant's large '60s Hair easily fits into her helmet no problem.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Just like in "Space Race", races are referred to as "potatoes".
    • Celery mentions souping up the saucer, which references the events of "Souped-Up Saucer".
  • Dark Horse Victory: Eggplant and Zerk end up winning the race because of their anti-gravity fluxinators.
  • Dick Dastardly Stops to Cheat: Eggplant stops to turn on the anti-gravity fluxinators in her saucer. Upon using them, the other saucers lose gravity, causing Eggplant and Zerk to win the race, making this a subversion of the trope.
  • Foreshadowing: Eggplant's lines in the song "Space Racin'" foreshadow to her having anti-gravity fluxinators installed in her saucer.
    "Well, boosters and carbifonators may sound good, but I've got something special sittin' under my hood"
  • Forgot to Mind Their Head: Eggplant looks under Celery's saucer to see her dual custom carbifonators, then bumps her head on it.
  • Group Hug: Everyone jumps to hug Zucchini when they meet him on the moon.
  • Inherently Funny Words: Celery thinks that "win" and "race" are fascinating Earth words, since there's no equivalent to them on Bortron 7.
  • Insert Song: "Space Racin'" is sung by the characters about the race and the various asteroids they encounter.
  • I Was Born Ready: A variant.
    Zucchini: Feelin' lucky today, sis?
    Celery: I was born lucky, Zucchini!
  • Karma Houdini: Eggplant and Zerk cheat in the race by using anti-gravity fluxinators (which effectively steal gravity from the other racers), yet they win and don't get their comeuppance.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: After Zerk learns just a little bit about asteroids from Sean and Sydney, he declares that he is an asteroid expert when he actually isn't.
  • The Load: Zerk proves to be this towards Eggplant. After learning a little bit about the asteroids from Sean and Sydney, Zerk believes that he is now a complete expert on the asteroid belt even though he's really not, and mixes up the directions in the process. This is later subverted, as they did win the race thanks to a device installed in Eggplant's saucer.
  • No Gravity for You: Towards the end of the race, Eggplant uses her anti-gravity fluxinator to steal gravity from the other saucers, rendering them just stuck there.
  • Overcrank: Used after Eggplant and Zerk steal gravity from the other saucers.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Eggplant has a pink saucer.
  • Read the Map Upside Down: Moonbeam serves as Uncle Zucchini's navigator across the asteroid belt, but reads the map upside down. When Zucchini points it out, Moonbeam insists that he should turn his saucer upside down.
  • Scavenger Hunt: Besides racing, the characters also participate in a scavenger hunt to find strange looking asteroids such as Dioretsa, Itokawa, and Kleopatra.
  • Sequel Episode: The episode is a direct sequel to "Space Race", as it focuses on the rematch that Celery and Zucchini promised to have at the end of the latter episode, this time with Eggplant and Zerk involved.
  • Shout-Out:
    • During the fifth line of the song, Jet is doing a variation of a dance known as the Batusi, a dance that was created for Batman (1966).
    • Said song is also suspiciously similar to "Hey Little Cobra" by The Rip Chords.

Sydney 2

Sydney notices that Jet 2 is lonely, so she builds a robot companion for him.
  • A Day in the Limelight: For Sydney. This is also the only episode to have her name in the title.
  • Broken Record: It is lampshaded by the characters that Jet 2 just says "Hello, yes, play" on repeat.
  • Comically Missing the Point: The claw on the snack machine fails to grab the donut. Sydney points out how that could be a problem, and Jet says "I'll say. Glazed donuts are my favorite!"
  • Complexity Addiction: Jet and Sean build a convoluted snack machine, just because they considered it to be fun. This also helps to show Sean's Character Development. In Season 1, he wouldn't even think of going to all this trouble, and would likely just state the simple solution. But now he is more open to trying new ideas and taking risks, no doubt thanks to Jet's positive influence.
  • Continuity Nod: Eats and Beats makes a comeback.
  • Cool, but Inefficient: Jet leaves Jet 2 to rot, claiming that he looks cool, but doesn't actually do that much useful stuff. And he can barely say anything. Well, Jet does have a point - Jet 2 is almost always falling apart.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Sydney builds the eponymous robot, who is a feminine version of Jet 2 and is designed specifically to be friends with him.
  • Dramatic Spotlight: A spotlight appears on Jet 2 when Sydney talks about how lonely he is.
  • Foil: Jet 2 to Sydney 2. They both are robot clones of two of the kids (Jet and Sydney obviously). Their origins differ. Jet invented Jet 2 for an admittedly selfish reason, so he could be at two places at once. Sydney invented Sydney 2 just so Jet 2 could have a playmate. Jet 2 also appeared way more often than Sydney 2, as he was introduced way before her.
  • Hidden Depths: Sydney shows enough engineering skills to build her own robot.
  • Just a Machine: This episode explores robots and their emotions, and what it means to be human (or a Human Alien). Jet doesn't seem to care for Jet 2 much because he's Cool, but Inefficient. Notably, it's 'Sydney'' who gets the idea of making a friend for Jet 2, and not Jet himself. Sydney later realizes that robots are not capable of the same complex emotions and interactions as humans/aliens.
  • Robot Buddy: Sydney 2 is basically a robot buddy for a robot buddy.
  • Robot Me: As with Jet 2, Sydney 2 is built in the image of Sydney.
  • Rube Goldberg Device: Jet and Sean build a Rube Goldberg machine to get snacks more conveniently, but it doesn't work.
  • Shout-Out: The Rube Goldberg Device that Jet and Sean built is a reference to the one from The Goonies.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: Sydney points out that Jet and Sean could just go get a snack instead of going to all the trouble to make a machine (a faulty one, at that) to get it for them. It seems like those two have a Complexity Addiction.


Video Example(s):


Snack Machine

Sean and Jet come up with an invention to get snacks more conveniently. They show Sydney, and it includes a Goonies-like set of contraptions to get a donut to Sunspot, but it doesn't work.

How well does it match the trope?

5 (4 votes)

Example of:

Main / RubeGoldbergDevice

Media sources:
